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This is a light-weight pure-julia library for computing the nearest correlation matrix. A few algorithms are provided, including a quadratically convergent Newton algorithm.


CommonSolve.jl Interface

This package follows the CommonSolve.jl interface for the nearest correlation matrix (NCM) problem.

using NearestCorrelationMatrix, LinearAlgebra

A = Symmetric(rand(10, 10))
prob = NCMProblem(A)
solver = init(prob)
sol = solve!(solver)
X = sol.X # get the nearest correlation matrix

# alternatively you can solve the problem directly

sol = solve(prob) # equivalent to solve!(init(prob))

You can initialize the solver with a given algorithm and options

A = rand(10, 10)
prob = NCMProblem(A)

# initialization keywords
solver = init(prob;
    fix_sym=true, # tell the solver to fix non-symmetric inputs
    ensure_pd=true, # ensure that the resulting matrix is positive definite
    verbose=true, # show more output during solving

# initialize with an algorithm with default parameters
solver = init(prob, Newton())

# initalize with an algorithm that specializes its parameters to the input
solver = init(prob, Newton)

# the above is equivalent to
alg = autotune(Newton, prob)
solver = init(prob, alg)

Simplified Interface

The nearest_cor and nearest_cor! methods are the "batteries included" methods for finding the nearest correlation matrix, and are designed to just work. They also have a final check to ensure that the solution is strictly positive-definite, as often that is required for other algorithms (e.g. Cholesky decomposition).

r0 = rand(10, 10)
nearest_cor(r0) # uses the default algorithm
nearest_cor(r0, AlternatingProjections()) # uses AP with default values

r0 = rand(Float32, 10, 10)
nearest_cor(r0, Newton()) # uses Newton method with default parameters
nearest_cor(r0, Newton) # uses Newton method with parameters tuned to the input matrix

r = rand(10, 10)
nearest_cor!(r) # computes NCM and overwrites r

Solver Keyword Argumenets

General Controls

  • alias_A: Whether to alias the matrix A or use a copy by default. When true, algorithms that operate in place can save memory by reusing A. Defaults to true if the algorithm is known not to modify A, and false otherwise.
  • fix_sym: If true, then makes the input matrix symmetric if it is not already. Defaults to false, and init will fail if the input matrix is not symmetric.
  • uplo: If fix_sym is true, then the upper (:U) or lower (:L) triangle of the input is used to make a symmetric matrix. Defaults to :U.
  • convert_f16: If the algorithm does not support Float16 values, then the input matrix will be converted to an AbstractMatrix{Float32}. Defaults to false, and init will fail if the algorithm does not support Float16.
  • force_f16: If true, then the algorithm will be forced to use the input matrix, even if the algorithm doesn't fully support Float16 values in a stable way.
  • ensure_pd: Checks (and corrects) that the resulting matrix is positive definite. Defaults to false.
  • verbose: Whether to print extra information. Defaults to false.

Solver Controls

  • abstol: The absolute tolerance. Defaults to √(eps(eltype(A))).
  • reltol: The relative tolerance. Defaults to √(eps(eltype(A))).
  • maxiters: The number of iterations allowed. Defaults to size(A,1)


The speed of each algorithm will vary from machine to machine, but the relative speeds should be consistent. These benchmarks are done using a Ryzen 9-3900X.

using NearestCorrelationMatrix, LinearAlgebra
using Random

X = Matrix(Symmetric(rand(100, 100)))
prob = NCMProblem(X)

@time p1 = solve(prob, Newton());
# 0.023863 seconds (988 allocations: 11.740 MiB)

@time p2 = solve(prob, AlternatingProjections());
# 0.219939 seconds (3.33 k allocations: 81.715 MiB, 2.99% gc time)

@time p3 = solve(prob, DirectProjection());
# 0.003280 seconds (31 allocations: 510.984 KiB)

# evaluating accuracy in the Frobenius norm
norm(X - p1.X), norm(X - p2.X), norm(X - p3.X)
# (23.039971040930606, 23.039971034688392, 30.218305070132693)

X = rand(3000, 3000)
@time nearest_cor!(X, Newton());
# 24.934312 seconds (19.92 k allocations: 9.201 GiB, 1.92% gc time, 0.48% compilation time)

Using the MKL linear algebra backend can improve performance:

using NearestCorrelationMatrix, LinearAlgebra
using Random

X = Matrix(Symmetric(rand(3000, 3000)))
prob = NCMProblem(X)

# LinearAlgebra.BLAS.LBTConfig
# Libraries: 
# └ [ILP64] libopenblas64_.dll

@time solve(prob, Newton());
# 23.246179 seconds (1.22 M allocations: 8.876 GiB, 2.29% gc time, 2.43% compilation time)

using MKL

# LinearAlgebra.BLAS.LBTConfig
# Libraries:
# ├ [ILP64] mkl_rt.2.dll
# └ [ LP64] mkl_rt.2.dll

@time solve(prob, Newton());
# 18.310447 seconds (2.08 k allocations: 8.796 GiB, 3.13% gc time)

Available Algorithms

The following algorithms are implemented:

  • Newton: An accurate and quadratically convergent algorithm
  • AlternatingProjections: A simple linearly convergent algorithm
  • DirectProjection: A fast, one-step projection onto the set of correlation matrices

The default algorithm is the Newton method, which offers a great balance between accuracy and speed.

If JuMP.jl is installed and loaded, then the JuMPAlgorithm also becomes available:

using NearestCorrelationMatrix
using JuMP, COSMO

A = rand(10, 10)
prob = NCMProblem(A)

# COSMO is our recommended optimizer for NCM problems
optimizer = optimizer_with_attributes(
    MOI.Silent() => true,
    "rho" => 1.0, # our testing shows that `rho=1.0` speeds up convergence

sol = solve(prob, JuMPAlgorithm(optimizer); fix_sym=true, uplo=:L)

NCM Interface

Those wanting to implement their own solver must define the following:

using NearestCorrelationMatrix
using NearestCorrelationMatrix: build_ncm_solution

struct MyAlgorithm <: NCMAlgorithm end

function NearestCorrelationMatrix.solve!(solver::NCMSolver, alg::MyAlgorithm)
    A = solver.A
    # your implementation here
    X = my_method_that_finds_ncm(A)

    return build_ncm_solution(alg, X, resid, solver; iters=k)

If your algorithm can make use of cache, then you can define:

mutable struct MyAlgorithmCache{T1, T2}

function NearestCorrelationMatrix.init_cacheval(alg::MyAlgorithm, A, maxiters, abstol, reltol, verbose)
    # allocate whatever you need

    return MyAlgorithmCache(data1, data2)

The cache object can be whatever you want, and the init_cacheval method is called during the init step. The cache object is accesible via solver.cacheval in the solve! method.

There are also a few traits that can be defined:

default_iters(::MyAlgorithm, A) = size(A, 1)
modifies_in_place(::MyAlgorithm) = true
supports_float16(::MyAlgorithm) = false
supports_symmetric(::MyAlgorithm) = false
supports_parameterless_construction(::MyAlgorithm) = false

Common Gotchas

Because a correlation matrix is defined as only positive semi-definite, it is possible for an algorithm to converge successfully but still not be useable for other methods such as a cholesky decomposition (common in probability models). Furthermore, the smallest eigenvalues may be negative on the order of machine precision (e.g. -2.2e-16) due to the inherent nature of floating point numbers. If a positive definite matrix is absolutely required, then pass the argument ensure_pd=true to the solver. This will replace the smallest eigenvalues with a small positive value and reconstruct the NCM:

λ, P = eigen(X)
replace(x -> max(x, ϵ), λ)
X .= P * Diagonal(λ) * P'
cov2cor!(X) # ensure that the transformed matrix is still a correlation matrix
