- An Android Application for online quiz.
- Quiz based on multiple subjects (Subjects used in this project - Java, C++, Advanced Java).
- Made by using Firebase and Android Studio IDE in Java.
- Used Firebase for cloud database for authentication and storing user data and quiz.
Minimum hardware and software requirements: (For coding)
- 2.5 GHz Pentium Processor or Intel Core compatible processor.
- 8 GB RAM.
- 5GB hard disk space.
- Android Studio.
- JDK.
- Firebase account and Firebase integration with the project.
- Internet Connectivity.
Hardware and software requirements to run the app on the phone:
- Android KitKat 4.4 and above.
- Minimum 2GB RAM.
- Internet connectivity
- 20MB space.
- This project is not under active development.
- Firebase realtime database is deactivated.