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Malaria Case Study

Here we will be determining how Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi is related to other malaria parasites.


To go through this pipeline, make sure you have conda=4.11.0 installed. Installation instructions can be found online.

Before commencing, login to the server and make a main directory for the project.

#login to server
ssh inf-49-2021@
#make directory
mkdir Malaria
cd Malaria

First Gene Prediction

To compare Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi to the other plasmids, via differences in genes. A gene prediction with GeneMark-ES/ET/EP ver 4.62_lic needs to be completed.

Genemark cannot be installed via conda and should be already installed on the server.

#make directory
mkdir 1_gene_predict/
cd 1_gene_predict/

#copy file from server file
cp /resources/binp29/Data/malaria/plasmodiumGenomes.tgz  .
gzip -d plasmodiumGenomes.tgz
tar -xvf plasmodiumGenomes.tar

#Genemark will not function without the license key.
ls ~/.gm_key
#i chose to gene predict Plasmodium_yoelii
nohup --ES --sequence Plasmodium_yoelii.genome & 
#change name
mv genemark.gtf Plasmodium_yoelii.gtf

#put file in shared folder
cp plasmodium_yoelii.gtf /tmp/Prediction/

Genome Filtration

Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi is a parasite and the genome file is heavily contaminated with the hosts DNA, bird DNA, therefore a filtration in in order. The genome will be filtered by minimum genome size and maximum GC content:

  • minimum genome size = 3000
  • maximum GC content = 30%
#Make directory
cd ..
mkdir 2_clean_genome/
cd 2_clean_genome/

#copy file from previous folder
cp /resources/binp29/Data/malaria/Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.genome.gz .
gzip -d Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.genome.gz 

#run python script 
python Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.genome Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi_clean.genome

Second Gene Prediction

We have completed a first filtration, but not all bird scaffolds will have been removed. In order to remove further bird scaffolds, a blast for bird genes amongst the scaffolds will be conducted.

In order to blast, we must run the genome through a gene prediction.

#make directory
cd ..
mkdir 3_gene_prediction/
cd 3_gene_prediction/

#copy file from previous directory
cp 2_clean_genome/Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi_clean.genome .

#gene prediction
nohup --ES --sequence 3_gene_prediction/Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi_clean.genome & 
#rename file
mv genemark.gtf Haemoproteus.gtf


Now that our gene prediciton is complete, genes can be blasted.

The blast software takes fasta files as queries, so the .gtf file will be reformated to a fasta file.

#make directory
cd ..
mkdir 4_blast/
cd 4_blast/

#copy file from previous directory
cp 3_gene_prediction/Haemoproteus.gtf .

#re format file for gffParse
cat Haemoproteus.gtf |sed -e 's/  length=.*\tGeneMark.hmm/\tGeneMark.hmm/' > Haemoproteus_2.gtf
#change from gtf to fasta -c -p -F -i Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi_clean.genome -g Haemoproteus_2.gtf 

#install blast
conda install bioconda blast=2.12.0+

#The database used will be SwissProt with a minimum evalue of 1e-10 
#protein blast will be conducted so .faa file query and protein database will be used 
 blastp -query gffParse.faa -db SwissProt -evalue 1e-10 -out Ht.blastp -num_threads 16

Bird Scaffolds Removal

Now that the blast is complete, the best matches to bird genes will be removed from the scaffolds. The taxonomy.dat and uniprot_sprot.dat databases will be used to find species that are birds, taxa aves, and the corresponding uniprot species code, respectively. This will identify, in the blast file, which uses uniprot species codes, which are birds.

#make directory
cd ..
mkdir 5_taxonomy/
cd 5_taxonomy/

#link databases
ln -s /resources/binp29/Data/malaria/taxonomy.dat taxonomy.dat
ln -s /resources/binp29/Data/malaria/taxonomy.dat uniprot_sprot.dat

#copy files from previous directory
cp 4_blast/Ht.blastp
cp 4_blast/gffParse.fna
cp 2_clean_genome/Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi_clean.genome .

#run python script
python Ht.blastp taxonomy.dat uniprot_sprot.dat gffParse.fna Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi_clean.genome Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.fna

Third Gene Prediction

Now that the bird scaffolds are removed a new gene prediction will need to be conducted to only pull out genes from Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.

#make directory
cd ..
mkdir 6_gene_prediction/
cd 6_gene_prediction/

#copy file from previous directory
cp 5_taxonomy/Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.fna .

#gene prediction
nohup --ES --sequence 6_gene_prediction/Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.fna & 
#rename file
mv genemark.gtf Haemoproteus.gtf

Fasta Parse

To determine orthologous genes and BUSCOs, the softwares require fasta files. Our .gtf files will be converted to fasta files.

#make directory
cd ..
mkdir 7_make_fasta/
cd 7_make_fasta/

#copy Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi from previous directory, others from shared folder
cp 6_gene_prediction/Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.fna . 
cp 6_gene_prediction/Haemoproteus.gtf .
cp /tmp/Prediction/*

#change all names to Genus_species
mv Haemoproteus.gtf Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.gtf
mv Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.genome
mv Tg.gff Toxoplasma_gondii.gtf
mv knowlesi.gtf Plasmodium_knowlesi.gtf

#reformat Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.gtf
cat Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.gtf |sed -e 's/  length=.*\tGeneMark.hmm/\tGeneMark.hmm/' > Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi_2.gtf 
rm Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.gtf 
mv Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi_2.gtf Haemoproteus_tartakovskyi.gtf

#for loop through all files
for file in *.gtf; do genus=$(echo $file | cut -c 1); species=$(echo $file | cut -d '_' -f 2 | cut -c 1 );genome=$(echo ${file%.gtf}.genome); -c -p -F -i ${genus^^}${genome:1} -g $file -b ${genus^^}$species;done

Ortholog Identification

We can determine orthologous genes with the proteinortho software.

#make directory
cd ..
mkdir 8_identify_orthologs
cd 8_identify_orthologs

#copy files from previous directory
cp 7_make_fasta/*.faa 8_identify_orthologs/

# make conda environment for installing software
conda create -n malaria
conda activate malaria
conda install proteinortho=6.0.33

#find orthologs
nohup {Ht,Pb,Pc,Pf,Pk,Pv,Py,Tg}.faa


Here we are determine busco genes for each species.

#make directory
cd ..
mkdir 9_busco
cd 9_busco

#update conda for busco=5.3.0 install
conda update conda
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda busco=5.3.0

#copy file from previous directory
cp 7_make_fasta/*.faa 9_buscls/

#for loop find busco genes
for file in *.faa; do busco -i $file -o ${file%.faa} -m prot -l apicomplexa -f; done

Busco Ortholog Parse

To determine which species are more related, we need the orthologues for each species for each BUSCO gene that is found in all 8 species.

#for getting all the busco orthologs for each species
#making a file with all the BUSCOs found in all 8
cat concat_full_table.tsv | sort | uniq -c| grep " 8 " | cut -d " " -f 8 > busco_list.txt

python busco_list.txt


An alignment and subsequent trees will be conducted with a clustal software and raxml.

#make directory
cd ..
mkdir 10_alignment
cd 10_alignment

#copy file directory from previous directory
cp ../9_busco/Python_output/ .

#conda install software
conda install -c bioconda clustalo=1.2.4 raxml=8.2.12

#make alignment directory
mkdir Alignment

#output alignment to Aligment directory
ls Python_output/* | while read file; do id=$(echo $file | sed s/Python_output// | tr -d '/' ); clustalo -i $file -o Alignment/$id -v ;done

#make tree directory
mkdir raxmlHPC_output

#now  for loop making trees
 ls Alignment/* | while read file; do id=$(echo $file | sed s/Alignment// | tr -d '/' ); raxmlHPC -s $file -w /home/inf-49-2021/Malaria/10_alignment/raxmlHPC_output/ -n $id.tre -o Tg -m PROTGAMMABLOSUM62 -p 12345 ;done

Tree Build

The tree can finally be built to determine which species are most closely related.

#make directory
cd ..
mkdir 11_tree
cd 11_tree

#install software
conda install -c bioconda phylip=3.698

#copy directory from previous directory
cp -r  ../10_alignment/raxmlHPC_output/ .

#keep on besttree files
rm raxmlHPC_output/RAxML_log.*
rm raxmlHPC_output/RAxML_parsimonyTree.*
rm raxmlHPC_output/RAxML_result.*
rm raxmlHPC_output/RAxML_info.*

#concatonate files
ls raxmlHPC_output/* | while read file; do cat $file >> intree ;done

#run software
phylip consense intree 
#say yes to options

#copy output files to computer
scp out* 

#install figtree
conda install figtree=v1.4.4

#run figtree to display tree
figtree outtree


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