This is a squad builder for Fantasy Flight Games' X-Wing Miniatures game, completely in HTML and JavaScript. No backend is necessary. It can theoretically be dropped into any existing site, but since it uses a lot of styling from Twitter Bootstrap it may require some CSS trickery if you're using some other incompatible framework (e.g. Foundation).
Saving: yes, if you provide a backend that adheres to the API. See my X-Wing Backend project for an example. Sharing, no.
I wanted a project to work on and screw around with stuff like HAML and Bootstrap and Select2, etc.
It's an ongoing process.
- Install Node.js to get
. sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
to install the global Grunt CLI.npm install
to install the dependencies listed inpackage.json
to build everything into theapp
directory. The builder is atapp/index.html
npm test
X-Wing Miniatures is by Fantasy Flight Games. Icons and fonts originally from GeckoTH's excellent PSD, available here. X-Wing symbols and ships fonts courtesy Hinny and Josh Derksen and are available as a Bower package. Maneuver dial support by @hpanderson. Fancy printout design inspired by TheKestrel on the FFG forums. German translation by failgod and strikegun from FFG Forums. Spanish translation by evil_wins Solo from BoardGameGeek forums and negroscuro. French translation by pejuaxel. Polish translation by Bober9000. Upgrade card text integrated into printouts by wffurr.
I'm bad at keeping this up to date; see the About section of the builder.
- I'm terrible at updating this.
- XWS support.
- Finally, support for tracking which expansions you own.
- Add support for Epic play rules. Squads saved in previous versions will not remember their game mode; re-saving them should fix it.
- Spanish translations provided by evil_wins Solo from BoardGameGeek forums.
- Maneuver dials are now displayed and are updated by upgrades! Thanks to @hpanderson for the contribution.
- Selecting Fancy or Simple now affects what kind of printout you get.
- Add ship selector dropdown. Pilot selector now only shows pilots for selected ship.
- Add cards from Rebel Aces reveal.
- German translations for Imperial Aces provided by @failgod-marcus.
- Add cards from Tantive IV reveal.
- Note: Limited is not supported, yet. Fore and Aft parts of a ship are not linked, nor are required to both exist.
- Currently R2-D2 can exist both as Crew and as an Astromech. This will be resolved later.
- Add desired/remaining points.
- Add cards revealed in Wave 4 preview.
- Sources are now properly sorted in the Card Browser.
- Add ships revealed in Rebel Transport preview.
- Add new icons from GeckoTH.
- Add support for translations.
- Add German translations by @failgod-marcus.
- The simple version of View as Text returns!
- Sources for each card are now visible in the main builder.
- Add ability to clear current squad and start a new one.
- Add ability to clone non-unique pilots and their non-unique addons.
- Add ships from Imperial Aces unveil.
- Update serialization to support new title functionality in Imperial Aces.
- Display effective ship stats.
- Fancy printout; design inspired by TheKestrel off the FFG forums.
- Finish Wave 3 ship integration.
- Add unique dots.
- Monkeypatch Select2 to stop focusing on the search input when on mobile.
- Add card browser.
- Upgrade to Select2 3.4.0.
- Add support for backend storage.
- Add fonts and more images from GeckoTH.
- Add random squad builder. Will attempt to generate a squad totalling the given number of points, stopping after a certain period of time or iterations. May go over. It's random.
- Overhaul backend to be much less crappy.
- Add full support for Wave 2 ships (from what I can tell from what's been spoiled on BoardGameGeek.
- Switch from Foundation to Twitter Bootstrap.
- Switch from Chosen to Select2.
- Now has a printer-friendly mode.