Antonios Antoniadis, Christian Coester, Marek Elias, Adam Polak and Bertrand Simon
Source code accompanying paper
You need Python 3 with additional packages: numpy, matplotlib, and tqdm. You also need pdflatex in order to produce the plots.
To install them using pip run:
sudo apt install python3-pip texlive-latex-base pip3 install numpy matplotlib tqdm
We run our experiments on input instances obtained from publicly available datasets Brightkite and CitiBike. The provided Bash script downloads the datasets, extracts the instances, and puts them in a newly created directory data. It may take about 10 minutes. For your convenience we provide the ready instances in archive. You can simply unzip it instead of running the script.
To compare caching algorithms augmented with PLECO and POPU predictions run:
./ all -k 10 data/bk*.txt -n 10 ./ all -k 100 data/citi*.txt -n 10
That is how we obtained numbers for Table 1.
To generate plots, i.e., BK dataset for caching (main paper and appendix), Citi dataset for caching (appendix), Ice cream problem (main paper), run:
./ plot -k 10 data/bk*.txt -n 10 -o results/caching_bk_paper ./ plot -k 10 data/bk*.txt -n 10 -o results/caching_bk_appendix -s appendix -l results/caching_bk_paper.json ./ plot -k 100 data/citi*.txt -n 10 -o results/caching_citi_appendix -s appendix ./ data/ic*.txt
The plots are generated both in png and pgf formats, and the raw data is stored in json files. The results we obtained are stored in the results/ folder.