A Clojure wrapper around SistaNLP's RST parser.
This clojure module wraps the Rhetorical Structure Theory parser in the [SistaNLP/Processors scala library] (https://github.com/sistanlp/processors).
Runnning lein deps
in the project directory should get you all of the dependencies. However, processors_2.11-5.3.jar
does not contain the RST parser models. If you take a look at lines 148-9 of edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser/RSTParser.scala
you'll note the following lines:
val DEFAULT_CONSTITUENTSYNTAX_MODEL_PATH = "edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser/model.const.rst.gz"
val DEFAULT_DEPENDENCYSYNTAX_MODEL_PATH = "edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser/model.dep.rst.gz"
So, both .gz model files (along with discourse_connectives.txt) will need to go into processors_2.11-5.3.jar. at that location. cd to the location of your maven repo's processors_2.11-5.3.jar, e.g.,
cd ~/.m2/repository/edu/arizona/sista/processors_2.11/5.3
Next, get all of the files contained in /models/src/main/resources/edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser in sista's github repo. You should have the following three files:
Annoyingly, to update the jar with these files you'll need to recreate the directory structure edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser first and then put the files in there. Assuming the model files and the discourse connectives file are in the same directory as the jar, do
sudo mkdir -p edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser/
sudo mv model.* edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser
sudo mv discourse_connectives.txt edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser
jar uf processors_2.11-5.3.jar edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser/model.const.rst.gz
jar uf processors_2.11-5.3.jar edu/arizona/sista/discourse/rstparser/model.dep.rst.gz
jar uf processors_2.11-5.3.jar edu/arizonaista/discourse/rstparser/discourse_connectives.txt
Now rerun lein deps
and you should all set.
user=> (require '[rst-clojure.core :as rst])
user=> ;using second paragraph of the Gettysburg Address as an example
user=> (def getty "Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.")
user=> (rst/rst-tree getty)
#<Some Some(elaboration (LeftToRight)
elaboration (LeftToRight)
attribution (LeftToRight)
TEXT:Now we are engaged in a great civil war , testing whether that nation , or any nation so conceived and so dedicated ,
TEXT:can long endure .
TEXT:We are met on a great battle-field of that war .
evaluation (LeftToRight)
cause (LeftToRight)
TEXT:We have come to dedicate a portion of that field ,
elaboration (LeftToRight)
TEXT:as a final resting place for those
elaboration (LeftToRight)
TEXT:who here gave their lives
TEXT:that that nation might live .
attribution (RightToLeft)
TEXT:It is altogether fitting and proper
TEXT:that we should do this .
user=> (rst/get-rst-parse getty)
{:relLabel "elaboration", :relDir "LeftToRight", :kids [{:relLabel "elaboration", :relDir "LeftToRight", :kids [{:relLabel "attribution", :relDir "LeftToRight", :kids [{:text "Now we are engaged in a great civil war , testing whether that nation , or any nation so conceived and so dedicated ,"} {:text "can long endure ."}]} {:text "We are met on a great battle-field of that war ."}]} {:relLabel "evaluation", :relDir "LeftToRight", :kids [{:relLabel "cause", :relDir "LeftToRight", :kids [{:text "We have come to dedicate a portion of that field ,"} {:relLabel "elaboration", :relDir "LeftToRight", :kids [{:text "as a final resting place for those"} {:relLabel "elaboration", :relDir "LeftToRight", :kids [{:text "who here gave their lives"} {:text "that that nation might live ."}]}]}]} {:relLabel "attribution", :relDir "RightToLeft", :kids [{:text "It is altogether fitting and proper"} {:text "that we should do this ."}]}]}]}