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File metadata and controls

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NFT marketplace

In this project, I created an interactive NFT marketplace in React, Typescript & Solidity. Clients on this platform will be able to purchase NFTs with Ether digital currency. The application is created in the Next JS framework, built on top of the React JS.


Marketplace has dependencies on multiple technologies.

  • Pinata - store images, and NFT metadata
  • Ganache - private Blockchain, to run application localy



To run the app

  1. run npm install to install dependencies

  2. In the root folder of the application create a .env.development file with following content:


SECRET_COOKIE_PASSWORD={your custom at least 32 characters long password!}

PINATA_API_KEY={your api key from pinata}
PINATA_SECRET_API_KEY={your api secret key from pinata}

  • (your api pinata key has to allow pinFileToIPFS and pinJSONToIPFS rules)
  1. Then migrate a contract to Ganache, contract can be found in the contracts folder. It's called NftMarket.sol
  • To migrate the contract run truffle migrate in the terminal while Ganache network is setup and running.

  • Do not forget to link trufle-config.js with Ganache, just go to config and click Add Project

  • keys.json must be created if you want to deploy to Ropsten, if not, just remove import of keys.json from trufle-config.js and also comment out ropsten configuration

  1. Now everything is setup and you can test out the app.
  • Run npm run dev in the terminal. App will run at localhost:3000


  2. Create new project
  3. Select endpoint -> Ropsten in my case or Rinkeby, you can get free Ropsten ETH =>
  4. Copy the API key endpoint url with https://. and add it to your .env file
  5. Create keys.json in the root directory, add to gitignore. Add your metamask private key in this format
  "PRIVATE_KEY": "xxxxxxxx",
  1. Deploy contract to ropsten: truffle migrate --network ropsten

contract address: 0xbC38c937dAd7f548251EB5Ee2b9a3b6CfEd964BF