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Releases: actonlang/acton


13 Sep 08:24
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  • Warnings are now generally treated as errors when compiling Acton components
    • Many warnings have been fixed.
    • There are some exceptions added for some warnings.
      • With time these should be reduced.
  • Bug triage and prioritization document
    • see docs/


  • Fix internal instantiations of tuples to use $NEWTUPLE
    • For example functions like divmod that returns a tuple was using an
      incorrect macro.
  • divmod now returns correct results. (#))
    • It would previously return wildly incorrect results (integer wraparound
      style) and could lead to segfaults due to incorrect tuple creation
  • Greater than or equal (>=) now works for integers
    • It was broken and actually did an equal match.
  • Fix header inclusion for numpy use of arc4random functions
  • Situations where actonc was unable to unify atoms and ints or infer type
    conversion have now been fixed.
  • Fix variable being out of scope in a function


25 Aug 21:14
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  • It is now possible to raise exceptions.
    • Previously a naming misalignment between the Acton compiler code generation
      and the builtins of the RTS previously lead to an Internal Compiler Error.
    • BaseException is now also used instead of Exception, as it should.
  • Distributed RTS mode has been fixed with regards to actor bootstrap that
    previously lead to duplicate actors.
  • An actor method (callback) can now be passed as an argument to another actor
    • This could previously lead to a segmentation fault during certain
  • Avoid cleaning away modules/math.h
    • This was due to an outdated Makefile cleaning target
  • Type inferencing now works for all dicts.
    • Previously worked for some, for example a dict of strings but not for a dict
      of ints.
  • The modules acton.rts, math and random now work correctly
    • The type signature filed was missing but is now correctly built.
    • There are test cases for these modules but the tests were not run in CI
  • All tests are now run in CI
    • Due to a directory restructuring and assumptions (mother of all evil), some
      tests were previously not run. While working locally on a developers
      computer things worked due to manually compiled files. We failed to detect
      these missing type signature files in CI since the tests were not run
  • Type inference is now order independent.
    • There were previously situations in which the type inferencer was unable to
      do its job based on the layout / order of the code.
  • print(foo()) now correctly prints the return value of foo() rather than a
    message reference (due to asynchronous evaluation).


24 Aug 09:51
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  • v0.5.0 was released with an incorrect version number and would identify itself
    as version v0.4.2


23 Aug 18:14
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  • The distributed database backend is enabled in the RTS
    • this was previously a build time flag
    • it is now run time configuration via --rts-ddb-host and --rts-ddb-port
    • see examples/count for a demo and instructions
  • RTS now has a --rts-verbose argument to make it more chatty
  • General evaluation of expressions in a boolean context
    • explicit boolean expressions were already supported and working
    • however, in Python any expression can be evaluated in a boolean context
      which was not properly supported... and it now is!
    • this could be considered a bug fix, like it should go under "Fixed" but it
      is big enough of a thing to warrant being here... almost like new
      functionality, although we probably did intend to support this all along
  • Description of development workflow, see docs/
  • A short guide on how to wrap C libraries for use in Acton, see
  • time.time() function
    • returns the current system time in nanoseconds as an integer
    • time is a new module
  • random.randint() function
    • random is a new module
  • acton.rts.sleep() function
    • from a user perspective acts just like Pythons time.sleep()
    • it uses usleep in C which means it actually sleeps the RTS thread
      executing the actor
      • this is typically a bad thing - we just want to sleep an actor, not the
        RTS thread
      • there are however use cases, like when implementing benchmarking or
      • this is why it is under acton.rts and not in time
    • acton.rts is a new module


  • Refactored Makefile structure to complete DAG
    • use a single top level Makefile rather than recursive Makefiles
    • only matters if you are doing development on Acton itself
    • backend, being enough of a standalone piece, still has its own Makefile
  • actonc --hgen and actonc --cgen now outputs only code
    • easier to pipe directly to a file
    • compilation command not included, now available with actonc --ccmd
  • actonc argument --path is now called --syspath
    • it is the system path and was already referred to as syspath internally
  • The build output, when building Acton itself, is now placed in dist
    • makes it considerably easier to produce a release by tarring up its content
    • release size has been reduced to almost half by avoiding unnecessary files
    • the top level directories, like modules is now a source directory and no
      longer "the working directory of actonc"
  • Source code of several modules have been moved from separate subdirs, like
    math and time, into modules/. Less top level clutter!


  • Improved dependency declaration for backend
    • Only matters if you are building Acton yourself and making changes to the
      backend database


05 Aug 12:20
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  • versioned releases now use correct version number, like 0.4.1 rather than
    the version style used for tip releases which include the date & time, like
  • tip release tar balls now reflect the full tip version in the filename
    • like acton-linux-x86_64-
    • previously, it would just be acton-linux-x86_64-0.4.1.tar.bz2, making it
      difficult to differentiate against the proper 0.4.1 or other nightlies


05 Aug 10:53
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  • --version --verbose will print verbose version information
  • internal compiler errors now include information about the C compiler (cc)
  • Acton is now made available as GitHub Releases
    • pre-built binary releases! Users no longer need to compile Acton themselves
    • available from Releases page
    • versioned releases, like this v0.4.1, are available
    • latest build from main branch is available as tip


  • integer subtraction has been fixed
    • wrong order of operators would previously return wildly incorrect results


23 Jul 21:04
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  • Linux compatibility!
    • it is now possible to compile the Acton compiler (actonc), the backend and
      the RTS on Linux
    • actonc can now compile Acton programs on Linux
    • Linux on x86_64 is tested, no other architectures
    • libkqueue is used on Linux as a compatibility shim between kqueue calls and
      • Acton was initially developed on OS X and the RTS therefore uses kqueue
        and not epoll / aio(uring)
  • More test cases, in particular the ones for which we have GitHub issues opened
  • CI runs on Linux too
    • acton is built and tested on both Linux and OS X
    • all tests are the same across both platforms
  • actonc has got a --version argument


  • Now uses Haskell lts-17.14 instead of lts-13.0


  • The project repository has been cleaned up overall


  • actonc now detects and reports internal compiler errors
    • happens when gcc fails to compile the C code that actonc generates
  • A bunch of compiler surprises have been made less surprising
    • see git log for details ;)