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scambra edited this page Sep 15, 2010 · 14 revisions

In show views columns are rendered with the same format as in list views. If you want to customize the presentation of a column in the show view, you can define a specially named method in your helper file. The format is #{class_name}_#{column_name}_show_column. So, for example, to customize the :username column displayed on your show view of UsersController, you would add a user_username_show_column method to your UsersHelper file. (The one in app/helpers)

In v2.3 and previous versions format was #{column_name}_show_column, so method was named username_show_column.

This override method accepts one argument: the entire record object. It is your responsibility to retrieve the interesting value from the record and to clean the value with h().

This override method is used by Show.


 class User < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :roles

 module UsersHelper
   # joins the first three roles with a hyphen instead of the normal comma.
   # ok, so this one isn't very original.
   def user_roles_show_column(record)
     record.roles.first(3).collect{|role| h(role)}.join(' - ')

   # creates a popup link to the associated division (belongs_to association)
   def user_division_show_column(record)
     link_to(h(, :action => :show, :controller => 'divisions', :id =>
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