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MikeBlyth edited this page Aug 13, 2012 · 14 revisions

In show views columns are rendered with the same format as in list views. If you want to customize the presentation of a column in the show view, you can define a specially named method in your helper file. The format is #{class_name}_#{column_name}_show_column or #{column_name}_show_column. So, for example, to customize the :username column displayed on your show view of UsersController, you would add a user_username_show_column method to your UsersHelper file (the one in app/helpers). If you want to override username columns in all models, add a username_show_column method to your ApplicationHelper file.

In v2.3 and previous versions format was only #{column_name}_show_column, so method was named username_show_column.

This override method accepts two arguments: the entire record object and the column. It is your responsibility to retrieve the interesting value from the record.

Before version 3.3, the override method accepted only a single method, the record object, so would be defined for example as “def phone_column(record)”. Since version 3.3 this would be written “def phone_column(record, column)”.

This override method is used by Show.


 class User < ActiveRecord::Base
   has_many :roles

 module UsersHelper
   # joins the first three roles with a hyphen instead of the normal comma.
   # ok, so this one isn't very original.
   def user_roles_show_column(record, column)
     record.roles.first(3).collect{|role| h(role)}.join(' - ')

   # creates a popup link to the associated division (belongs_to association)
   def user_division_show_column(record, column)
     link_to(h(, :action => :show, :controller => 'divisions', :id =>
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