The Activeledger Golang SDK has been built to provide an easy way to connect your Go application to an Activeledger Network
Read Activeledgers documentation
go get
The SDK currently supports the following functionality
- Connection handling
- Key generation
- Key onboarding
- Transaction building
import (
sdk ""
When sending a transaction, you must pass a connection that provides the information needed to establish a link to the network and specified node.
To do this a connection object must be created. This object must be passed the protocol, address, and port.
connection := sdk.Connection {
connection := sdk.Connection {
There are two key types that can be generated currently, more are planned and will be implemented into Activeledger first. These types are RSA and Elliptic Curve.
// RSA
// Generate the private key
privatekey := sdk.RsaKeyGen()
// Get the public key from the private key
publicKey := privatekey.PublicKey
privateKey, _ := sdk.EcdsaKeyGen()
// See key exporting to get ECDSA Public key
// RSA Public key string PEM
publicKeyString := sdk.RsaToPem(publicKey)
// ECDSA private and public key PEMs
privatekeyStr, publicKeyString := sdk.EcdsaToPem(privateKey)
Once you have a key generated, to use it to sign transactions it must be onboarded to the ledger network
txObject := sdk.TxObject {
Namespace: "default",
Contract: "onboard",
Input: input,
Output: output,
ReadOnly: readOnly,
tx, _ := json.Marshal(txObject)
// RSA
signedMessage,_ := sdk.RsaSign(*privatekey, []byte(tx))
// ECDSA (Elliptic curve)
pemPrivate := sdk.EcdsaFromPem(privatekeyStr)
signedMessage := sdk.EcdsaSign(pemPrivate,string(tx))
signature["identity"] = signedMessage
selfsign := true
transaction := sdk.Transaction {
TxObject: txObject,
SelfSign: selfsign,
sdk.SetUrl(sdk.Connection {
// Response contains Code (int) and Desc (string)
response := sdk.SendTransaction(transaction, sdk.GetUrl())
When signing a transaction you must send the finished version of it. No changes can be made after signing as this will cause the ledger to reject it.
The key must be one that has been successfully onboarded to the ledger which the transaction is being sent to.
SDK contains different helper functions for the purpose of subscribing to different events.
- Subscribe(host) // host=protocol://ip:port
- SubscribeStream(host,stream)
- EventSubscribeContract(host,contract,event)
- EventSubscribe(host,contract)
- AllEventSubscribe(host)
They all return events which can then be used by developers.
SDK also contains helper functions to get and search streams from Activeledger.
- GetActivityStreams(host, ids) // host=protocol://ip:port
- GetActivityStream(host, id)
- GetActivityStreamVolatile(host, id)
- SetActivityStreamVolatile(host, id, bdy) // Anything in the bdy will be written to that location for that stream id.
- GetActivityStreamChanges(host)
- SearchActivityStreamPost(host, query) //post request
- SearchActivityStreamGet(host, query) //get Request
- FindTransaction(host, umid )
They all return map[string]interface{}.
This project is licensed under the MIT License