This project is based on GenericMap by mystborn, so there similar function names and structures
Represents a strongly typed list of objects that can be accessed by index. Provides methods to search, sort, and manipulate lists.
Use the macro shlDeclareList
to generate the type and function definitions. It has the following arguments:
Argument | Description |
typeName |
The name of the generated type. This will also prefix all of the function names. |
itemType |
The type of the list elements. |
Use the macro shlDefineList
to generate the function implementations.
Argument | Description |
typeName |
The name of the generated type. This will also prefix all of the function names. |
itemType |
The type of the list elements. |
#include "list.h"
shlDeclareList(IntList, int)
shlDefineList(IntList, int)
The list structure allows the following operations (all functions all prefixed with typeName):
Function | Description | Return type |
Init (typeName* list, typeName Options options) |
Initializes the data needed for the list. | void |
Free (typeName* list) |
Frees the data used by the list. It doesn't free the list itself. | void |
Add (typeName* list, itemType value) |
Add an element at the end of the list. | void |
AddRange (typeName* list, int32_t count, itemType values[]) |
Add a collection of elements at the end of the list. | void |
Insert (typeName* list, int32_t index, itemType value) |
Insert an element at the index position in the list. |
void |
InsertRange (typeName* list, int32_t index, int32_t count, itemType values[]) |
Insert a collection of elements at the index position in the list. |
void |
IndexOf (typeName* list, itemType value) |
Gets the index of the first occurrence in the list of an element. | int32_t |
Get (typeName* list, int32_t index) |
Gets the value in the list at the index position. This function does check bounds of the list. If you don't want the list to check bounds when accesing elements you can use directly list->items[index] . |
typeName |
Set (typeName* list, int32_t index, itemType value) |
Sets the value in the list at the index position. This function does check bounds of the list. If you don't want the list to check bounds when accesing elements you can assign directly list->items[index] = value . This function returns the element previously in the index position. |
typeName |
Contains (typeName* list, itemType value) |
Return true if an object is contained in the list. |
bool |
Remove (typeName* list, itemType value) |
Remove the first occurrence of an element in the list. This function shift all the remaining elements on index to the left. | void |
RemoveAt (typeName* list, int32_t index) |
Remove the element at the position index . This function shift all the remaining elements on index to the left. |
void |
RemoveAtRange (typeName* list, int32_t index, int32_t count) |
Remove count elements from the position index . This function shift all the remaining elements on index to the left. |
void |
Clear (typeName* list) |
Clear the list, freeing every element if a freeFn was provided. Doesn't free the list itself. |
void |
Reverse (typeName* list) |
Reverse the list. | void |
Sort (typeName* list, int32_t (*compareFn)(const itemType item1, const itemType item2)) |
Sort the list using the comparing function compareFn . This function must receive two elements item1 and item2 from the list and must return a value < 0 if item1 < item2 , a value > 0 if item1 > item2 and a value = 0 if item1 == item2 |
void |
CopyTo (typeName* list, itemType array[], int32_t index) |
Copy the elements of the list to array from the index position. The caller should make sure that array is big enough to fit the entire list. |
void |
ToArray (typeName* list) |
Returns an array with all the elements of the list. | itemType* |
Each definition of a list declare a struct typeName Options that is used to initialize the list. The struct has the following members:
Name | Type | Description |
equalsFn |
bool (*)(const itemType, const itemType) | (optional) A pointer to a function that takes two elements, and returns true if the elements are equals, and returns false otherwise. If no equalsFn is provided then the operations IndexOf always return -1 , Contains always return false and Remove doesn't do anything. |
freeFn |
void (*)(itemType) | (optional) A pointer to a function that takes an element and free it. If no freeFn is provided, then the operations Remove , RemoveAt , RemoveAtRange , Clear and Free doesn't free the elements and the user of the list is the responsible for free the elements. |
defaultValue |
itemType | The value to return when you try to access an element that doesn't exist. |
#include <stdio.h>
#include "list.h"
bool intEquals(const int x, const int y)
return x == y;
shlDeclareList(IntList, int)
shlDefineList(IntList, int)
int main()
IntListOptions options = (IntListOptions){0};
options.defaultValue = 0;
options.equalsFn = intEquals;
IntList list;
IntListInit(&list, options);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
IntListAdd(&list, i);
// squares all the values in the list
for (int i = 0; i < list.count; i++)
int v = IntListGet(&list, i);
IntListSet(&list, i, v * v);
for (int i = 0; i < list.count; i++)
printf("Element at index %d is %d\n", i, IntListGet(&list, i));
return 0;