Dotfiles Acid Genomics configuration files shared between machines. Installation We recommend using our koopa bootloader to install and configure the dotfiles. Configuration is currently managed with chezmoi. koopa install dotfiles koopa configure user dotfiles See also What are dotfiles? GitHub does dotfiles Example dotfiles paulirish paulmillr gf3 mathiasbynens MikeMcQuaid jimhester holman thoughtbot ryanb vsbuffalo caarlos0 roryk nsgrantham rajshekhar26 Mofiqul naggie ruicsh (for VS Code) thcipriani addyosmani cevhyruz dsifford Color themes Dracula Nord Solarized ZSH configuration Oh My Zsh Prezto Antigen Antibody Emacs configuration Spacemacs Doom Emacs Alternate approaches GNU stow Bare git repo