- depends on Dart 2.0.0 stable
- sdk requirement: '>=2.0.0 <3.0.0'
- sdk requirement: '>=2.0.0-dev.54 <2.0.0'
- refined analysis and build options
- moved book sample into own project: https://github.com/nilsdoehring/dartbook
- Migrated to SDK 2.0.0-dev
- Fixed book sample
- Workaround for bug with html.TouchEvent.supported in SDK 1.24.1
- HiDPI now also supported for SVGs
- Improved Logger performance
- Fixed Native Keyboard workarounds
- Updated listeners to reflect changes in StageXL
- Updated .analysis_options
- Fixed Wrap component default behavior
- Fixed refresh bug in Flow component
- Fixed Scroll component refresh bug
- Strong mode fixes
- Bumped minor and release version to align with other acanvas components
- added removeSelf option to dispose method
- Strong mode fixes
- LifecycleSprite now using async/await for load method
- Optimizations for Speed, Touch and Retina
- New Flow and Wrap UI classes
- Refactoring of UI base elements to use Mixins
- New Event Bus
- Full Material Design implementation based on UI elements
- Modifications and optimizations for Dart
- Initial port from ActionScript