- netid: aandersh
- GitHub username: acandershock
- major: computer science
- minor: mathematics
- nickname: Lexy
Hello! My name is Lexy Andershock, and I am a junior studying Computer Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. I am originally from Franklin, TN (go Admirals!).
I love reading books of ay kind (textbooks, fiction, etc.) and going hiking in the Smokies. I am also involved in engineering education research (shameless plug to my publication here). I am also a TA in the Engineering Fundamentals department with my friends David, Ethan, and Gian.
I am familiar with Java (barely), C++, Python, R, and hopefully C by the end of this semester (shout out to all my homies trying to survive COSC 360 right now!). I have dabbled with Unity, and had my first experience with Git one hour ago.