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executable file
2084 lines (1814 loc) · 57.9 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
2084 lines (1814 loc) · 57.9 KB

Emacs Configuration

How to use

The .emacs file in home directory should only contain

(load-file "~/emacs-config/bootstrap.el")

where the path to bootstrap.el is adjusted to wherever you cloned this repo. This will also automatically pull the latest version of the config on startup, unless you forbid it with

(setq config-no-auto-update t)

Add Package Repositories

(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)
(add-to-list 'package-archives '("org" . "") t)


Inspired by and Your Text Editor Is Malware.

Check TLS

(setq tls-checktrust t)
(setq gnutls-verify-error t)

Do more with local certs and check bad ssl

Garbage Collection Tuning

(defmacro k-time (&rest body)
  "Measure and return the time it takes evaluating BODY."
  `(let ((time (current-time)))
     (float-time (time-since time))))

;; When idle for 30sec run the GC no matter what.
(defvar k-gc-timer
  (run-with-idle-timer 30 t
                       (lambda ()
                         (message "Garbage Collector has run for %.06fsec"
                                  (k-time (garbage-collect))))))

;; Set garbage collection threshold to 1GB.
(setq gc-cons-threshold #x40000000)
;; Set garbage collection to 20% of heap
(setq gc-cons-percentage 0.2)

Automatic package installation

Install use-package

And its dependencies if needed.

 (lambda (package)
   (if (not (package-installed-p package))
         (package-install package))))
 '(use-package diminish bind-key))

Trigger use-package

And force the install of missing packages.

  (require 'use-package))
(require 'diminish)
(require 'bind-key)
(setq use-package-always-ensure t)

Configure Vertico + Consult + friends

Configure vertico

(use-package vertico
  (vertico-count 30) ;; Show more candidates

(define-key vertico-map (kbd "C-l") 'vertico-directory-delete-word)

Configure recentf

(use-package recentf
    :init (recentf-mode))

Configure orderless

(use-package orderless
    (completion-styles '(orderless basic))
    (completion-category-defaults nil)
    (completion-category-overrides '((file (styles partial-completion)))))

Configure consult

(defun ab/select-n-words-forward (n)
    (let ((start (point))
      (forward-word n)
      (setq end (point))
      (buffer-substring-no-properties start end))))

(defun ab/consult-candidates ()
  (list (word-at-point)
        (ab/select-n-words-forward 2)
        (ab/select-n-words-forward 3)))

(use-package consult
  :bind (("C-x r l" . consult-bookmark)
         ("C-c s" . consult-line)
         ("C-x b" . consult-buffer)
         ("C-c C-i" . consult-imenu))
   :history nil
   :add-history (ab/consult-candidates)))

Configure marginalia

(use-package marginalia
  :bind (:map minibuffer-local-map
              ("M-A" . marginalia-cycle))

Version Control

For now it’s just git, but can add more systems as necessary.

Enable magit

Best git client

(use-package magit
  :bind (("C-x g" . magit-status)
         ("C-c g" . magit-file-dispatch)))

Enable forge

For interactions with github.

(use-package forge)

Add git-timemachine

(use-package git-timemachine)

Add magit-circleci

For CircleCI integration

(use-package magit-circleci
  :config (magit-circleci-mode))

Set personal information

(setq user-full-name "Adrien Brochard"
      calendar-latitude 40.7
      calendar-longitude -73.98
      calendar-location-name "New York, NY")

Utility functions

Generate scratch buffer

(defun generate-scratch-buffer ()
  "Create and switch to a temporary scratch buffer with a random
  (switch-to-buffer (make-temp-name "scratch-")))

Sudo the current buffer

(defun sudo ()
  "Use TRAMP to `sudo' the current buffer"
  (when buffer-file-name
     (concat "/sudo:root@localhost:"

Replace JSON web token in buffer

This is regexp based

(defun replace-token (token)
  "Replace JSON web token for requests"
  (interactive "sEnter the new token: ")
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "Bearer .*\"" nil t)
      (replace-match (concat "Bearer " token "\"")))))

Open all marked files in Dired

I like this better than the one in dired+

(eval-after-load "dired"
     (define-key dired-mode-map "F" 'my-dired-find-file)
     (defun my-dired-find-file (&optional arg)
       "Open each of the marked files, or the file under the point, or when prefix arg, the next N files "
       (interactive "P")
       (let* ((fn-list (dired-get-marked-files nil arg)))
         (mapc 'find-file fn-list)))))

Open the current file in browser.

Thanks to

(defun browse-current-file ()
  "Open the current file as a URL using `browse-url'."
  (let ((file-name (buffer-file-name)))
    (if (and (fboundp 'tramp-tramp-file-p)
             (tramp-tramp-file-p file-name))
        (error "Cannot open tramp file")
      (browse-url (concat "file://" file-name)))))

XML Format function

This works well on short text, too much and it can block the system

(use-package sgml-mode)

(defun reformat-xml ()
    (sgml-pretty-print (point-min) (point-max))
    (indent-region (point-min) (point-max))))

Refill paragraphs to be on one line

(defun refill-paragraphs ()
  "fill individual paragraphs with large fill column"
  (let ((fill-column 100000))
    (fill-individual-paragraphs (point-min) (point-max))))

Copy filename and path to clipboard

Thanks to

(defun copy-filename ()
  "Copy the current buffer file name to the clipboard."
  (let ((filename (if (equal major-mode 'dired-mode)
    (when filename
      (kill-new filename)
      (message "Copied buffer file name '%s' to the clipboard." filename))))

Align docstring

I put a double space in between what I want to align and call this:

(defun align-docstring ()
  "Align lines by double space"
  (align-regexp (region-beginning) (region-end) "\\(\\s-*\\)  " 1 1 t))

Rename local variable

(defun rename-local-var (name)
  (interactive "sEnter new name: ")
  (let ((var (word-at-point)))
    (replace-string var name nil (region-beginning) (region-end))))

Increment/decrement number at point

I miss that from Vim

(defun increment-number-at-point ()
  (skip-chars-backward "0-9")
  (or (looking-at "[0-9]+")
      (error "No number at point"))
  (replace-match (number-to-string (1+ (string-to-number (match-string 0))))))

(defun decrement-number-at-point ()
  (skip-chars-backward "0-9")
  (or (looking-at "[0-9]+")
      (error "No number at point"))
  (replace-match (number-to-string (- (string-to-number (match-string 0)) 1))))

Comment a line

Before Emacs 25.1

(defun comment-line ()
    (set-mark (point))
    (if (comment-only-p (region-beginning) (region-end))
        (uncomment-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
      (comment-region (region-beginning) (region-end)))))

Quickly edit this config file

(defun edit-config-file ()
  (find-file (concat config-load-path "")))

Send the current selection in an email

This uses mutt.

(defun email-selection ()
  (copy-region-as-kill (region-beginning) (region-end))
  (let ((tmp-file (concat "/tmp/" (buffer-name (current-buffer))))
        (recipient (read-string "Enter a recipient: "))
        (subject (read-string "Enter a subject: ")))
    (find-file tmp-file)
    (kill-buffer (current-buffer))
    (shell-command (concat "mutt -s \"" subject "\" " recipient " < " tmp-file))
    (shell-command (concat "rm -f " tmp-file)))
  (message "Sent!"))

Move files more intuitively

(defun move-file ()
  "Write this file to a new location, and delete the old one."
  (let ((old-location (buffer-file-name)))
    (call-interactively #'write-file)
    (when old-location
      (delete-file old-location))))

Insert a filename at point

(defun insert-filename ()
  (insert (read-file-name "File:")))

Insert a relative filename at point

(defun insert-relative-filename ()
  (insert (file-relative-name (read-file-name "File: "))))

Format long function parameter list into multiline

(defun format-function-parameters ()
  "Turn the list of function parameters into multiline."
  (search-forward "(" (line-end-position))
  (while (search-forward "," (line-end-position) t)
  (insert " ")
  (search-backward ")")

Eshell here

Thanks to Howard

(defun eshell-here ()
  "Opens up a new shell in the directory associated with the
    current buffer's file. The eshell is renamed to match that
    directory to make multiple eshell windows easier."
  (let* ((height (/ (window-total-height) 3)))
    (split-window-vertically (- height))
    (other-window 1)
    (eshell "new")
    (insert (concat "ls"))

(bind-key "C-!" 'eshell-here)

Show pwd relative to current project

And copy to clipboard

(defun relative-pwd ()
  (let* ((prj (cdr (project-current)))
         (current-file buffer-file-truename)
         (prj-name (file-name-as-directory (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name prj))))
         (output (concat prj-name (file-relative-name current-file prj))))
    (kill-new output)
    (message output)))

Add JIRA ticket number to commit messages

(add-hook 'git-commit-setup-hook
    '(lambda ()
        (let ((has-ticket-title (string-match "^[A-Z]+-[0-9]+"
              (words (s-split-words (magit-get-current-branch))))
          (if has-ticket-title
              (insert (format "[%s-%s] " (car words) (car (cdr words))))))))

Get my public IP

(defun what-is-my-ip ()
  (message "IP: %s"
           (with-current-buffer (url-retrieve-synchronously "")
             (buffer-substring (+ 1 url-http-end-of-headers) (point-max)))))

Insert a commit message

Thanks to

(defun what-the-commit ()
       (url-retrieve-synchronously "")
     (re-search-backward "<p>\\([^<]+\\)\n<\/p>")
     (match-string 1))))

Instant kill the current buffer

(defun insta-kill-buffer ()
(global-set-key (kbd "C-z") 'insta-kill-buffer)

Toggle presentation setup

(defun toggle-presentation ()
  "Toggle presentation features, like font increase."
  (let ((regular-fontsize 140)
        (presentation-fontsize 240))
    (if (equal (face-attribute 'default :height) regular-fontsize)
        (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height presentation-fontsize)
      (set-face-attribute 'default nil :height regular-fontsize))))

Flip table

Taken from Jonathan Arkell

(defun flip-table ()
  "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ "
  (message "( °_°) ┬──┬ ")
  (sleep-for 0 500)
  (message "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━━┻ ")
  (kill-new "(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━━┻ "))

Mac specific functions

(defun mac-run-applescript (script)
  "Run SCRIPT in applescript."
  (shell-command (format "osascript -e '%s'" script)))

(defun mac-notify (body &optional title)
  "Show notification for BODY with TITLE."
  (mac-run-applescript (format "display notification \"%s\" with title \"%s\""
                               body (or title "Notification"))))

;; (mac-notify "test body")

(defun mac-switch-theme ()
  "Switch mac to dark/light theme on toggle."
  (mac-run-applescript "tell application \"System Events\"
      tell appearance preferences
      set dark mode to not dark mode
    end tell
  end tell"))

Custom table of content functions

(defun markdown-toc ()
    (let ((output ""))
      (while (re-search-forward "^\\(#\\{2,\\}\\) \\(.*\\)" (max-char) t)
        (setq output
              (concat output
                      (format "%s- [%s](#%s)\n"
                              (replace-regexp-in-string "#" "  " (substring (match-string 1) 2))
                              (match-string 2)
                              (replace-regexp-in-string "_" "-" (s-snake-case (match-string 2)))))))
      (kill-new output))))

(defun org-toc ()
    (let ((output "")
          (i 1))
      (while (re-search-forward "* \\(.*\\)" (max-char) t)
        (setq output
              (concat output
                      (format "%s. [[#%s][%s]]\n" i (replace-regexp-in-string " " "-" (downcase (match-string 1))) (match-string 1))))
        (setq i (+ 1 i)))
      (kill-new output))))

Custom key bindings

Quickly revert a buffer

Useful if file changed on disk

(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c r") 'revert-buffer)

Quickly evaluate a buffer or a region

(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c x") 'eval-buffer)
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-c X") 'eval-region)

Use the Mac Style Home/End keys

(global-set-key (kbd "<home>") 'beginning-of-buffer)
(global-set-key (kbd "<end>") 'end-of-buffer)

Quickly turn on auto-fill

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c q") 'auto-fill-mode)

Hungry delete forward available everywhere

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c d") 'c-hungry-delete-forward)

Increment number easily

(global-set-key (kbd "C-c +") 'increment-number-at-point)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c -") 'decrement-number-at-point)

Comment the current line

(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-;") 'comment-line)


Set environment

(use-package f)
(use-package org)
(setq org-directory "~/org/")
(setq org-agenda-files '("~/org"))

Utility functions

(defun org-file-path (filename)
  "Return the absolute address of an org file, given its relative name."
  (concat (file-name-as-directory org-directory) filename))

(defun org-find-file ()
  "Quickly open any org files."
  (find-file (org-file-path (completing-read "Select your org file: " (directory-files org-directory nil "\.org$")))))

(defun org-eng-notebook ()
  "Quickly open my engineering notebook and scan the headlines."
  (let ((notebook (org-file-path ""))
      (entries '()))
  (find-file-other-window notebook)
  (setq entries (org-element-map (org-element-parse-buffer) 'headline
                  (lambda (headline)
                    (cons (org-element-property :raw-value headline) (org-element-property :begin headline)))))
  (goto-char (assoc-default (completing-read "Eng entry: " entries) entries))

Use syntax highlighting in source blocks while editing

(setq org-src-fontify-natively t)

Change source block editing behavior

(setq org-src-window-setup 'split-window-right)

Set a dark background for source blocks

(require 'color)
(if (display-graphic-p)
    (set-face-attribute 'org-block nil :background
                         (face-attribute 'default :background) 3)))

Setup Org Agenda

(define-key org-mode-map (kbd "C-c a") 'org-agenda)

Setup Org Capture

(setq org-default-notes-file (concat org-directory "/"))
(define-key global-map "\C-cc" 'org-capture)

Add more states

(setq org-todo-keywords
      '((sequence "TODO(t)" "WAIT(w@/!)" "|" "DONE(d!)" "CANCELED(c@)")))
(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
           '(("WAIT" . "yellow")
             ("CANCELED" . (:foreground "blue" :weight bold))))

Enable flyspell

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode)

Setup org-babel

Get additional languages? Load them all

(require 'ob-js)

 (quote org-babel-load-languages)
 (quote ((emacs-lisp . t)
         (dot . t)
         (plantuml . t)
         (python . t)
         (gnuplot . t)
         (shell . t)
         (org . t)
         (latex . t)
         (haskell . t)
         (js .t))))

Enable org-bullets

Make org files a bit more readable

(use-package org-bullets
  :config (add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-bullets-mode 1))))

Display images inline

(setq org-startup-with-inline-images t)

Register more exports

(require 'ox-md)

Setup quick access to org files

(global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'org-find-file)

Use org-journal

(use-package org-journal
  :custom (org-journal-dir "~/org/journal" "Set journal location"))

Prevent editing invisible text

(setq org-catch-invisible-edits 'show-and-error)

yank-media to copy paste images

Thanks to emacs 29

(with-eval-after-load 'org
  (setq yank-media--registered-handlers '(("image/.*" . #'org-mode--image-yank-handler))))

(yank-media-handler "image/.*" #'org-mode--image-yank-handler)

(defun org-mode--image-yank-handler (type image)
  (let ((file (read-file-name (format "Save %s image to: " type))))
    (when (file-directory-p file)
      (user-error "%s is a directory"))
    (when (and (file-exists-p file)
               (not (yes-or-no-p (format "%s exists; overwrite?" file))))
      (user-error "%s exists"))
      (set-buffer-multibyte nil)
      (insert image)
      (write-region (point-min) (point-max) file))
    (insert (format "[[file:%s]]\n" (file-relative-name file)))))

Register RSS feeds

Uses elfeed and elfeed-org

(use-package elfeed
  :bind ("C-x w" . elfeed))

(use-package elfeed-org
  (setq rmh-elfeed-org-files (list (concat config-load-path "")))

The last line uses the file to register the feeds.

Startup behavior

Toggle fullscreen by default


Disable the big fat toolbars

(tool-bar-mode -1)
(menu-bar-mode -1)

Disable the scroll bar

(scroll-bar-mode -1)

Disable splash screen

And set it in emacs-lisp mode

(setq inhibit-startup-message t)
(setq initial-major-mode 'emacs-lisp-mode)

Empty Scratch buffer

(setq initial-scratch-message nil)

Window behavior

Disable the bell

Aweful atrocious noise on Windows

(setq visible-bell nil)

Adjust scrolling behavior

(setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((shift) . 1))) ;; one line at a time
(setq mouse-wheel-progressive-speed nil) ;; don't accelerate scrolling
(setq auto-window-vscroll nil)

Always ask for confirmation before quitting

(setq confirm-kill-emacs 'y-or-n-p)

Highlight the current line

(when window-system

Use the back/forward mouse keys

(global-set-key [mouse-8] 'switch-to-prev-buffer)
(global-set-key [mouse-9] 'switch-to-next-buffer)

Better defaults

Inspired from

Replace dabbrev with hippie-expand

(use-package dabbrev
  :diminish abbrev-mode)
(global-set-key (kbd "M-/") 'hippie-expand)

Replace isearch with regexp search

(global-set-key (kbd "C-s") 'isearch-forward-regexp)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-r") 'isearch-backward-regexp)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-s") 'isearch-forward)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-M-r") 'isearch-backward)

Save all backup files to a common folder

(setq backup-directory-alist `(("." . ,(concat user-emacs-directory

Replace ‘yes/no’ by just ‘y/n

(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)

Auto reload tags

(setq tags-revert-without-query 1)

Disable warning for narrow-to=region

(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)

Bind the mac command to control

(setq mac-command-modifier 'control)

Hide customize


(setq custom-file "~/.emacs.d/custom.el")
(when (file-exists-p custom-file)
  (load custom-file))

Load Cool Theme

Customized light and dark themes. Load light by default.

(use-package flatui-theme)
(use-package dracula-theme)

(defun disable-all-themes ()
  "Disable all enabled custom themes."
  (mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))

(defun load-light-theme ()
  "Load light theme."
  (load-theme 'flatui t)
  ;; Mode-line customization
  (set-face-background 'mode-line "medium purple")
  (set-face-background 'mode-line-inactive "#212020")
   '(mode-line ((t (:background "medium purple" :foreground "white"))))
   '(mode-line-buffer-id ((t (:foreground "white"))))
   '(mode-line-inactive ((t (:background "dark grey" :foreground "medium purple"))))))

(defun load-dark-theme ()
  "Load dark theme."
  (load-theme 'dracula t)
  ;; Mode-line Customization
  (set-face-background 'mode-line "#510370")
  (set-face-background 'mode-line-inactive "#212020")
   '(mode-line ((t (:background "#510370" :foreground "white"))))))


Customize the mode-line

A small trim of the original

(setq-default mode-line-format '("%e"
                                 " "
                                 " "
                                 "%[" mode-line-buffer-identification "%]"
                                 "   "
                                 "  "
                                 " "
                                 (:propertize " " display ((space :align-to (- right 14)))) ;; push to the right side
                                 (vc-mode vc-mode)

Load Tarsius’ minions

(use-package minions
  :config (minions-mode 1))


Use the Hack font from chrissimpkins

(if (condition-case nil
        (x-list-fonts "Hack")
      (error nil))
      (add-to-list 'default-frame-alist '(font . "Hack"))
      (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font "Hack")))

Terminal Configuration

Trying to make it adapt to the OS. There is surely a better way to do this.

(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
      (setenv "PATH" (concat "C:\\cygwin64\\bin\\"
                             (getenv "PATH")))
    (use-package exec-path-from-shell
      :config (exec-path-from-shell-copy-env "PATH"))

Dictionary Configuration

Because Windows sucks I have to do this to use flyspell

(if (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
      (add-to-list 'exec-path "C:/Aspell/bin/")
      (setq ispell-program-name "aspell")
      (require 'ispell)))


I use yasnippet a lot.

(use-package yasnippet
  :diminish yas-minor-mode
  :config (yas-global-mode 1))

And also my package org-sync-snippets to keep my snippets into a single file under version control

(use-package org-sync-snippets
  :config (setq org-sync-snippets-org-snippets-file
                (concat (file-name-as-directory config-load-path) "")))

Auto-yasnippet really comes in handy at times.

(use-package auto-yasnippet)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c e") #'aya-expand)

Code Format

Default tab and indetation

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
(setq-default tab-width 4)
(setq tab-width 4)

Add a new line at the end of files

(setq require-final-newline t)

Delete trailing white spaces on save

(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'delete-trailing-whitespace)

Set Unix file coding system

(setq-default buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(setq-default default-buffer-file-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)
(set-default-coding-systems 'utf-8-unix)
(prefer-coding-system 'utf-8-unix)

Automatically indent yanked code

Thanks to magnars

(defvar yank-indent-modes '(php-mode js2-mode)
  "Modes in which to indent regions that are yanked (or yank-popped)")

(defvar yank-advised-indent-threshold 1000
  "Threshold (# chars) over which indentation does not automatically occur.")

(defun yank-advised-indent-function (beg end)
  "Do indentation, as long as the region isn't too large."
  (if (<= (- end beg) yank-advised-indent-threshold)
      (indent-region beg end nil)))

(defadvice yank (after yank-indent activate)
  "If current mode is one of 'yank-indent-modes, indent yanked text (with prefix arg don't indent)."
  (if (and (not (ad-get-arg 0))
           (--any? (derived-mode-p it) yank-indent-modes))
      (let ((transient-mark-mode nil))
        (yank-advised-indent-function (region-beginning) (region-end)))))

(defadvice yank-pop (after yank-pop-indent activate)
  "If current mode is one of 'yank-indent-modes, indent yanked text (with prefix arg don't indent)."
  (if (and (not (ad-get-arg 0))
           (member major-mode yank-indent-modes))
      (let ((transient-mark-mode nil))
        (yank-advised-indent-function (region-beginning) (region-end)))))

(defun yank-unindented ()
  (yank 1))

Define comment syntax

(setq comment-start "#")

Enable poporg

So I can comment code from an org-mode buffer

(use-package poporg
  :bind (("C-c '" . poporg-dwim)))

Enable prog-fill

(use-package prog-fill
  :bind (("M-q" . prog-fill)))

Parenthesis Support

(show-paren-mode 1)
(electric-pair-mode 1)

Package management

Enable paradox

(use-package paradox
  (paradox-execute-asynchronously t)

Internal Doc Enhancement

Setup helpful for prettier doc

(use-package helpful
  :bind (("C-h f" . helpful-callable)
         ("C-h v" . helpful-variable)
         ("C-h k" . helpful-key)
         ("C-h F" . helpful-function)
         ("C-h C" . helpful-command)))

Setup elisp-demos for code example

(use-package elisp-demos
  :config (advice-add 'helpful-update
                      :after #'elisp-demos-advice-helpful-update))


Enable avy

(use-package avy
  :bind (("C-c SPC" . avy-goto-char-2)
         ("M-g f" . avy-goto-line)
         ("M-g w" . avy-goto-word-1)))

Enable win-switch

Super nice to switch between frames and buffers

(use-package win-switch
  :bind ("C-x o" . win-switch-dispatch)
  (setq win-switch-provide-visual-feedback t)
  (setq win-switch-feedback-background-color "purple")
  (setq win-switch-feedback-foreground-color "white")

Enable which-key

Very nice if you don’t have a cheat sheet at hand

(use-package which-key
  :diminish which-key-mode
  :config (which-key-mode 1))

Enable winner-mode

(winner-mode 1)

Enable smooth-scrolling

But with a margin of 5

(use-package smooth-scrolling
  (smooth-scrolling-mode 1)
  (setq smooth-scroll-margin 5))

Enable neotree

(use-package neotree)

Enable ibuffer

(use-package ibuffer-vc)
(use-package ibuffer-git)
(define-key global-map (kbd "C-x C-b") 'ibuffer)

Enable minimap

Not all the time, but handy.

(use-package minimap
  (setq minimap-window-location "right")
  (setq minimap-major-modes '(prog-mode org-mode)))

Enable rotate

(use-package rotate
  :config (global-set-key (kbd "C-|") 'rotate-layout))

Enable anzu

(use-package anzu
  :config (global-anzu-mode +1)
          (setq anzu-mode-lighter ""))

Enable hamburger-menu

(use-package hamburger-menu
  :config (setq mode-line-front-space 'hamburger-menu-mode-line))

Enable origiami

Great to fold text

(use-package origami
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c n o") 'origami-open-node)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c n c") 'origami-close-node)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c n a") 'origami-open-all-nodes)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c n u") 'origami-undo)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c n n") 'origami-show-only-node)
  (global-set-key (kbd "C-c n TAB") 'origami-recursively-toggle-node))

Enable eyebrowse

To manage window configuration

(use-package eyebrowse
  :config (eyebrowse-mode t))


Enable multiple-cursors

Useful to edit multiple similar lines

(use-package multiple-cursors
  :bind (("C-S-c C-S-c" . mc/edit-lines)
         ("C->" . mc/mark-next-like-this)
         ("C-<" . mc/mark-previous-like-this)
         ("C-c C-<" . mc/mark-all-like-this)
         ("C-S-<mouse-1>" . mc/add-cursor-on-click)))

Enable zzz-to-char

(use-package zzz-to-char
  :bind ("M-z" . zzz-up-to-char))

Enable whole-line-or-region

(use-package whole-line-or-region
  :diminish whole-line-or-region-global-mode
  :config (whole-line-or-region-global-mode t))

Enable viking-mode

And add my personal twist to it.

(use-package viking-mode
  :diminish viking-mode
  (setq viking-greedy-kill nil)
  (setq viking-enable-region-kill t)
  (setq viking-kill-functions (list '(lambda()
                                       (if (region-active-p)
                                           (kill-region (region-beginning) (region-end))
                                       (delete-char 1 t)))
                                       (insert (pop kill-ring)) ;; insert the char back
                                       (kill-new "") ;; start a new entry in the kill-ring
                                       (kill-append " " nil)) ;; append the extra space

Enable undo-tree

(use-package undo-tree
  :diminish undo-tree-mode
  (global-undo-tree-mode t)
  (setq undo-tree-visualizer-diff t)
  (setq undo-tree-history-directory-alist `(("." . ,(concat user-emacs-directory "undo-history")))))

Enable volatile-highlights

Sweet minor mode for providing visual feedback

(use-package volatile-highlights
  :diminish volatile-highlights-mode
  (vhl/define-extension 'undo-tree 'undo-tree-yank 'undo-tree-move)
  (vhl/install-extension 'undo-tree)
  (volatile-highlights-mode t))

Enable ciel

(use-package ciel
  :bind (("C-c i" . ciel-ci)
         ("C-c o" . ciel-co)))

Enable fancy-narrow

And use it to replace normal narrowing functions

(use-package fancy-narrow
  :diminish fancy-narrow-mode)

Enable visual-replace

(use-package visual-replace
  :defer nil
  (visual-replace-global-mode 1)
  (setq visual-replace-default-to-full-scope t))

General Code

Enable lsp and lsp-ui

(use-package lsp-mode
  :ensure t
  :commands (lsp lsp-deferred)
  :hook (go-mode . lsp-deferred)
  :config (progn
            ;; use flycheck, not flymake
            (setq lsp-prefer-flymake nil))
  :bind (("C-c M-." . lsp-find-type-definition)))

(use-package lsp-ui
  :ensure t
  :commands lsp-ui-mode)

Enable and tweak consult-ag

(use-package ag)
(use-package consult-ag
  :bind (("C-c C-v" . consult-ag))
  :config (consult-customize
           :add-history (ab/consult-candidates)))

Enable project

(use-package project
  :bind (("C-c v" . project-find-file)
         ("C-c w" . project-switch-project)))

Enable company

(use-package company
  :diminish company-mode
  (add-hook 'after-init-hook 'global-company-mode)
  (setq company-minimum-prefix-length 1)
  (setq company-idle-delay 0.3)
  (setq company-dabbrev-downcase nil)
  (bind-keys :map company-active-map
             ("C-d" . company-show-doc-buffer)
             ("C-l" . company-show-location)
             ("C-n" . company-select-next)
             ("C-p" . company-select-previous)
             ("C-t" . company-select-next)
             ("C-s" . company-select-previous)
             ("TAB" . company-complete)))

Enable flycheck

(use-package flycheck
  :diminish flycheck-mode
  :config (flycheck-mode 1)
  (add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
  ;; (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
  (add-hook 'json-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
  (add-hook 'rjsx-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode))

Add a little consult twist to it

(use-package consult-flycheck
  :bind ("C-c f" . consult-flycheck))

Enable electric-operator

(use-package electric-operator)

Enable dumb-jump

Great package to jump to definition

(use-package dumb-jump
  (add-hook 'xref-backend-functions #'dumb-jump-xref-activate)
  (setq xref-show-definitions-function #'xref-show-definitions-completing-read))

Enable highlight-numbers

Make numbers in source code more noticeable

(use-package highlight-numbers
  :config (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'highlight-numbers-mode))

Emacs Lisp

Enable eldoc

(use-package eldoc
  :diminish eldoc-mode
  :config (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'eldoc-mode))

Enable rainbow-delimiters

But only for emacs-lisp

(use-package rainbow-delimiters
  (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'rainbow-delimiters-mode))

Enable paredit

(use-package paredit
  (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'paredit-mode))

Enable eros

(use-package eros
  :config (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'eros-mode))

Enable simple-call-tree

(use-package simple-call-tree)

Enable suggest

(use-package suggest)


Always make MySQL the default product

(require 'sql)
(sql-set-product "mysql")

Enable sqlup-mode

(use-package sqlup-mode
  :config (add-hook 'sql-mode-hook 'sqlup-mode))

Enable mysql-to-org

I love this package

(use-package mysql-to-org
  (add-hook 'sql-mode-hook 'mysql-to-org-mode))

but sometimes it needs a little kick

(defun mysql-to-org--start-process ()
  (when (not (get-process "mysql-to-org"))
    (make-comint "mysql-to-org" "mysql" nil
                 (concat "-u" mysql-to-org-mysql-user))

(defun mysql-to-org-kick ()
  "Start the mysql to org mysql process."
  (let ((pwd (read-passwd "mysql passwd: ")))
    (kill-process "mysql-to-org")
    (if (equal pwd "")
        (make-comint "mysql-to-org" "mysql" nil
                     (concat "-u" mysql-to-org-mysql-user))
      (make-comint "mysql-to-org" "mysql" nil
                   (concat "-u" mysql-to-org-mysql-user)
                   (concat "-p" pwd)))

MySQL in docker

(defvar docker-mysql-secret "secret")
(defvar docker-mysql-dbname "dbname")

(defconst docker-mysql-proc-name "*docker-mysql*")
(defconst docker-mysql-proc-buffer "*docker-mysql*")

(defvar docker-mysql-proc nil)

(defun docker-mysql-start ()
  "Start mysql docker."
  (setq docker-mysql-proc
        (start-process docker-mysql-proc-name docker-mysql-proc-buffer
                       "docker" "run" "-it" "--rm" "-p" "3306:3306"
                       "-e" (concat "MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=" docker-mysql-secret)
                       "-e" (concat "MYSQL_DATABASE=" docker-mysql-dbname)

(defun docker-mysql-logs ()
  "Switch buffer to docker logs."
  (switch-to-buffer docker-mysql-proc-buffer)

;; (kill-process docker-mysql-proc)

(defun docker-mysql-stop ()
  "Kill the docker container."
  (let ((docker-id
         (s-trim (shell-command-to-string "docker ps | grep mysql | awk '{ print $1 }'"))))
    (shell-command (concat  "docker kill " docker-id))
    (message "Docker mysql stopped")))

(defun docker-mysql-copy-connect-cmd ()
  (kill-new (format "mysql --protocol=tcp -u root -p%s" docker-mysql-secret)))


Enable web-mode

So much better than html-mode

(use-package web-mode
  :mode "\\.phtml\\'"
  :mode "\\.volt\\'"
  :mode "\\.html\\'"
  :mode "\\.svelte\\'"
  (setq web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2)
  (setq web-mode-code-indent-offset 2)
  (setq web-mode-css-indent-offset 2))

Enable emmet-mode

Adding the necessary hooks

(use-package emmet-mode
  (add-hook 'sgml-mode-hook 'emmet-mode) ;; Auto-start on any markup modes
  (add-hook 'css-mode-hook  'emmet-mode) ;; enable Emmet's css abbreviation.


Enable js2-mode

(use-package js2-mode
  :mode "\\.js\\'"
  (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'electric-operator-mode)
  (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
  (setq js2-basic-offset 2))

Enable js2-refactor

(use-package js2-refactor
  :diminish js2-refactor-mode
  :defer t
  (add-hook 'js2-mode-hook #'js2-refactor-mode)
  (js2r-add-keybindings-with-prefix "C-c C-m"))

Enable js-doc

(use-package js-doc)

Enable rjsx-mode

Useful for React

(use-package rjsx-mode)

Enable npm-mode

(use-package npm-mode
  :defer t
  (js2-mode-hook  . npm-mode)
  (rjsx-mode-hook . npm-mode))


Enable tide

(use-package tide)

(defun setup-tide-mode ()
  (flycheck-mode +1)
  (setq flycheck-check-syntax-automatically '(save mode-enabled))
  (setq typescript-indent-level 2)
  (eldoc-mode +1)
  (tide-hl-identifier-mode +1)
  (company-mode +1))

;; formats the buffer before saving
(add-hook 'before-save-hook 'tide-format-before-save)

(add-hook 'typescript-mode-hook #'setup-tide-mode)

Enable tide for tsx

(use-package web-mode)
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tsx\\'" . web-mode))
(add-hook 'web-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (when (string-equal "tsx" (file-name-extension buffer-file-name))
;; enable typescript-tslint checker
(flycheck-add-mode 'typescript-tslint 'web-mode)


A lot of the config is based on gopls, godef, goimports and gotags packages that you should install separately.

go install
go install
go install
go install
go install

Env setup

(setenv "GO111MODULE" "on")

Enable go-mode

Absolutely necessary for working in Go

(use-package go-mode
  ;; (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'gofmt-before-save)
  (add-hook 'go-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
  (add-hook 'go-mode-hook 'dumb-jump-mode)
  (setq go-packages-function 'go-packages-go-list))

Add formatting hooks

(defun lsp-go-install-save-hooks ()
  (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'lsp-format-buffer t t)
  (add-hook 'before-save-hook #'lsp-organize-imports t t))
(add-hook 'go-mode-hook #'lsp-go-install-save-hooks)

Enable go-stackstracer

(use-package go-stacktracer)

Enable go-add-tags

(use-package go-add-tags)

Enable go-gopath

(use-package go-gopath)

Enable gotest

(use-package gotest)

Integrate moq

Quick custom function to integrate with the moq tool to generate quick mocks

(defun moq ()
  (let ((interface (word-at-point))
        (test-file (concat (downcase (word-at-point)) "_test.go")))
     (concat "moq -out " test-file " . " interface))
    (find-file test-file)))

Install go-mod-mode

(package-vc-install "")
(require 'go-mod-mode)

Custom testing and utility functions

A few custom functions to add to go-mode. Assumes that the project structure is standard.

(require 'go-mode)
(require 'transient)
(require 'magit)

(defun go-test-pkg (&optional args)
  "Unit test the current package."
   (list (transient-args 'go-test)))
  (compile (format "go test %s ." (mapconcat 'identity args " "))))

(defun go-test-repo (&optional args)
  "Unit test all packages."
   (list (transient-args 'go-test)))
  (let* ((repo-path (magit-toplevel))
         (default-directory repo-path))
    (compile (format "go test %s ./..." (mapconcat 'identity args " ")))))

(defun go-coverage-here (&optional args)
  "Show go coverage of current file."
   (list (transient-args 'go-test)))
  (shell-command (format "go test . -coverprofile=cover.out %s"
                         (mapconcat 'identity args " ")))
  (go-coverage "cover.out"))

(defun go-build-repo ()
  "Build the current repo."
  (let* ((repo-path (magit-toplevel))
         (repo-name (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name repo-path)))
         (default-directory (format "%s/cmd/%s" repo-path repo-name)))
    (compile "go build")))

(defun go-run-repo ()
  "Run the current repo."
  (let* ((repo-path (magit-toplevel))
         (repo-name (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name repo-path)))
         (default-directory (format "%s/cmd/%s" repo-path repo-name)))
    (compile "go run .")))

(defun go-mod-jump ()
  "Jump to the go.mod file and summon the menu."
  (find-file (format "%s/go.mod" (magit-toplevel)))

(transient-define-prefix go-test ()
  "Go Test Suite"
  :value '("-cover" "-race" "-timeout 60s") ; default values
   ("-v" "Verbose" "-v")
   ("-c" "Coverage" "-cover")
   ("-r" "Race condition" "-race")
   ("-t" "Timeout" "-timeout 60s")]
   ("t" "Unit test current package" go-test-pkg)
   ("a" "Unit test current repository" go-test-repo)
   ("c" "Coverage current file" go-coverage-here)
   ("b" "Build current repository" go-build-repo)
   ("r" "Run current repository" go-run-repo)
   ("m" "Jump to go.mod menu" go-mod-jump)])

(define-key go-mode-map (kbd "C-c t") #'go-test)

Prevent modula major mode for go.mod files

(setq auto-mode-alist
      (append '(("go.mod" . text-mode)) auto-mode-alist))


Setup lsp

First install pyright language server via pip install pyright

(use-package lsp-pyright
  :ensure t
  :hook (python-mode . (lambda ()
                          (require 'lsp-pyright)

Setup pyenv

(use-package pyvenv
  :ensure t
  (setq pyvenv-workon "emacs")  ; Default venv
  (pyvenv-tracking-mode 1))

Setup python-mode

Need to install IPython first with pip install ipython. Assuming that it would be at least IPython 5 so ask for simple-prompt.

(add-hook 'python-mode-hook 'electric-operator-mode)
(setq python-shell-interpreter "ipython"
      python-shell-interpreter-args "--simple-prompt -i")

(define-key python-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-v") 'consult-ag)


Setup Dockerfile-mode

(use-package dockerfile-mode
  :mode "Dockerfile\\'")


Enable syslog-mode

;; (use-package syslog-mode)

Turn on auto-revert-tail-mode for log files

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.log\\'" . auto-revert-tail-mode))

Quickly check syslog

(defun open-syslog ()
  (find-file "/var/log/syslog")
  ;; (syslog-mode)
  (goto-char (point-max)))



(use-package eshell
  (setq eshell-scroll-to-bottom-on-input 'all
        eshell-error-if-no-glob t
        eshell-hist-ignoredups t
        eshell-save-history-on-exit t
        eshell-prefer-lisp-functions nil
        eshell-destroy-buffer-when-process-dies t))

Fancy prompt

Modified from

(setq eshell-prompt-function
      (lambda ()
         (propertize "┌─[" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (user-login-name) 'face `(:foreground "red"))
         (propertize "@" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (system-name) 'face `(:foreground "lightblue"))
         (propertize "]──[" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (format-time-string "%H:%M" (current-time)) 'face `(:foreground "yellow"))
         (propertize "]──[" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (concat (eshell/pwd)) 'face `(:foreground "white"))
         (propertize "]\n" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize "└─>" 'face `(:foreground "green"))
         (propertize (if (= (user-uid) 0) " # " " $ ") 'face `(:foreground "green"))

Define visual commands and subcommands

(setq eshell-visual-commands '("htop" "vi" "screen" "top" "less"
                               "more" "lynx" "ncftp" "pine" "tin" "trn" "elm"

(setq eshell-visual-subcommands '("git" "log" "diff" "show" "ssh"))

Pager setup

(setenv "PAGER" "cat")

Enable autojump

(use-package eshell-autojump)


(defalias 'ff 'find-file)
(defalias 'd 'dired)

Extra shell functions

Clear function

(defun eshell/clear ()
  (let ((inhibit-read-only t))


(defun eshell/gst (&rest args)
    (magit-status (pop args) nil)
    (eshell/echo))   ;; The echo command suppresses output

Bargs and Sargs

Thanks to

(defun eshell/-buffer-as-args (buffer separator command)
  "Takes the contents of BUFFER, and splits it on SEPARATOR, and
runs the COMMAND with the contents as arguments. Use an argument
`%' to substitute the contents at a particular point, otherwise,
they are appended."
  (let* ((lines (with-current-buffer buffer
                   (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))
         (subcmd (if (-contains? command "%")
                     (-flatten (-replace "%" lines command))
                   (-concat command lines)))
         (cmd-str  (string-join subcmd " ")))
    (message cmd-str)
    (eshell-command-result cmd-str)))

(defun eshell/bargs (buffer &rest command)
  "Passes the lines from BUFFER as arguments to COMMAND."
  (eshell/-buffer-as-args buffer "\n" command))

(defun eshell/sargs (buffer &rest command)
  "Passes the words from BUFFER as arguments to COMMAND."
  (eshell/-buffer-as-args buffer nil command))


(defun eshell/close ()

Smoother bindings

(add-hook 'eshell-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (define-key eshell-mode-map (kbd "C-M-a") 'eshell-previous-prompt)
            (define-key eshell-mode-map (kbd "C-M-e") 'eshell-next-prompt)
            (define-key eshell-mode-map (kbd "M-r") 'consult-history)))

Close window on exit

(defun eshell-pop--kill-and-delete-window ()
  (unless (one-window-p)

(add-hook 'eshell-exit-hook 'eshell-pop--kill-and-delete-window)


Enable dired-x

(require 'dired-x)

Use human-readable sizes

(setq dired-listing-switches "-alh")


Enable yaml-mode

(use-package yaml-mode
  (add-hook 'yaml-mode-hook 'flycheck-mode)
  (add-hook 'yaml-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode))

Enable flycheck-yamllint

(use-package flycheck-yamllint
  :defer t
    (eval-after-load 'flycheck
      '(add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook 'flycheck-yamllint-setup))))

Enable indentation highlight

(use-package highlight-indentation
  (set-face-background 'highlight-indentation-face "#8B6090")
  (add-hook 'yaml-mode-hook 'highlight-indentation-mode))


A few utility functions for my local Redis.

(defun redis--command (cmd)
  "Format command for the redis-cli.

CMD is the redis command."
  (format "echo \"%s\" | redis-cli" cmd))

(defun redis--select-key ()
  "Return all redis keys as list."
  (let* ((command (redis--command "KEYS *"))
         (keys (split-string (shell-command-to-string command) "\n")))
    (completing-read "Redis key: " keys)))

(defun redis-set-key (key value)
  "Set a key value pair in redis.

KEY is the key.
VALUE is the value."
  (interactive "sKey: \nsValue: ")
  (shell-command (redis--command (format "SET %s %s" key value))))

(defun redis-get-key ()
  "Get the value for a key in redis."
  (let ((key (redis--select-key)))
     "Value: %s"
     (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "" (shell-command-to-string (redis--command (format "GET %s" key)))))))

(defun redis-delete-key ()
  "Delete a key from local redis instance."
  (let ((key (redis--select-key)))
    (shell-command (redis--command (format "DEL %s" key)))
    (message "Key %s deleted." key)))

(defun redis-set-expire (ttl)
  "Set ttl from local redis instance."
  (interactive "nExpiry in seconds: ")
  (let ((key (redis--select-key)))
    (shell-command (redis--command (format "EXPIRE %s %s" key ttl)))))


Great package to control multiple services.

(use-package prodigy)

Define Redis Service

  :name "Redis"
  :command "redis-server"
  :port 6379
  :stop-signal 'sigterm
  :kill-process-buffer-on-stop t)

Extra Packages

No need to configure, just handy to have.

(use-package 2048-game)
(use-package isend-mode)
(use-package lorem-ipsum)
(use-package markdown-mode)
(use-package pdf-tools
  :defer t)
(use-package refine)
(use-package request)
(use-package csv-mode)
;; (use-package csharp-mode)
(use-package keychain-environment)
(use-package vlf)
(use-package consult-flyspell)
(use-package consult-yasnippet)
;; (use-package kubel)
(use-package kubernetes-helm)
(use-package mermaid-mode)
(use-package todoist)
(use-package protobuf-mode)
(use-package walkman)
(use-package jsonnet-mode)
(use-package expand-region
  :config (global-set-key (kbd "C-=") 'er/expand-region))
(use-package alert
  :config (setq alert-default-style 'notifier))

Extra file loading

If I am working on a separate library, I like to have it loaded on start. Just need to place it in the extra folder.

(mapc #'load (directory-files (concat config-load-path "extra/") t "\\.el$"))

Key Frequency

Trying the keyfreq package to monitor my command usage

(use-package keyfreq
  (keyfreq-mode 1)
  (keyfreq-autosave-mode 1))

Cheat Sheet

Thanks to the cheatsheet package, I can quickly see what are my favorite keys bindings