Using Laravel 11 and applying TDD, I have built a API REST that allows restaurant owners to digitize their businesses. The platform offers functionalities such as restaurant registration, menu management, and QR code generation for a more interactive customer experience.
- Auth users
- Show restaurants
- Show restaurant by id
- Create restaurants
- Update restaurant
- Delete restaurants
- Show menus
- Show menu by id
- Create menus
- Update menu
- Delete menus
- Show dishes
- Show dish by id
- Create dish
- Update dish
- Delete dish
- Generate QR code
- Show QR code
- Laravel 11
- tymon/jwt-auth 2.*
- giauphan/laravel-qr-code 1.*
- Postgres 14
Install and run
- Clone and move to folder
$ git clone
$ cd restaurant-tdd-api
- Install dependencies
$ composer install
Create a copy of the
file and rename it to.env
. Next, configure the necessary environment variables. -
php artisan jwt:secret
to generate a secret key for JWT. This will update your.env
file with something like JWT_SECRET=foobar -
Generate an application key by running
php artisan key:generate
. -
php artisan migrate
to create the database tables. -
php artisandb:seed
to create dummy data and admin user. -
php artisan serve
to start the Laravel development server. -
php artisan storage:link
to start the Laravel development server.
To run Jobs (Qr Image Generator) php artisan queue:work
to start the Laravel queue worker (Check POST Menu endpoint)
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
Documentation Restaurant TDD API - Postman
You can find a .json with the endpoints in /docs/Restaurant TDD.postman_collection.json