Connect To Google Books API and Running Tests
Running The App
Using The App
A User-Friendly CLI that can be used to access the Google Books API and store your results in a CSV.
This was incredibly fun and I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to apply at 23&Me.
Install Dependencies:
npm install
To start the app, run:
yarn start
npm start
The application will ask for your preferences of what you would like to search for.
- Query --required
- Start Index
- Maximum Results (max 40)
- Ordered By? (relevance, newest)
- Print Type (all, books, magazines)
Then the application will ask you where how you would like your csv organized
A new file will be created with all your search results!
When you search for new queries it's all added to your library.csv file NO NEED TO CREATE NEW ONES
For a full breakdown of the tests please look here.
The following tests were built using Mocha and Chai
To run the tests, run:
yarn test
npm test
Thank you very much for your time. I deeply enjoyed working on this challenge and look forward to the next steps!