This is a RESTful API for a pizza-delivery company. It acts as an HTTP/HTTPS endpoint. It handles REST Api requests to perform the following actions:
-> create, update, view or delete an user
-> create, extend, view or destroy sign-in tokens
-> access the menu (item id, price and name)
-> add, remove items to the cart
-> place an order and charge the total amount via registered credit card (by sending an HTTPS request to the API endpoint of Stripe-
-> send the order receipt to the user's mail via an HTTPS request to the API endpoint of Mailgun -
The entire API is coded using pure Node.js, without any supplementary libraries like npm and the like.
Given below are the legal user interactions.
Recognised Paths:
user - deals with user transactions. Legal methods include:
a. POST: create a new user
Payload: name, password, email, address (ALL fields required).
b. GET: returns user object
Query: email,
Header: token
c. PUT: edit an user object
Payload: email (Required), name, password, address (any ONE is required)
Header: token
d. DELETE: delete the user object
Query: email
Header: token -
tokens - creates sign-in tokens for users. Legal methods include:
a. POST: create an user token
Payload: email, password (ALL required)
b. GET: get token details
Query: id (token)
c. PUT: extend the token validity by an hour
Payload: id (token), extend (boolean),
d. DELETE: delete an existing token
Query: id (token) -
menu - menu of the pizza company. Legal methods include
a. GET: get the menu of the company
Query: email,
Header: token -
cart - add/delete items to a cart. Legal methods include:
a. PUT: add an item
Payload: item (id), quantity,
Header: token
b. GET: returns the cart object
Header: token
c. DELETE: remove an item
Query: item (id)
Header: token -
order - place an order. Legal methods include:
a. POST: place an order and return the final price as per the cart
Header: token