Robust and non-parametric analysis of massively parallel reporter assays (MPRA)
MPRAscore infers allele-specific effects on transcription from MPRA data. MPRAscore uses a weighted, variance-regularized method to calculate variant effect sizes robustly, and a permutation approach to test for significance without assuming normality or independence.
Running MPRAscore
MPRAscore is implemented in C++. It can be compiled from the source code. Precompiled executables for Windows, Linux, and Mac are included in binaries/.
For help:
mprascore -?
Example files are included in Example/. To run MPRAscore on example data:
mprascore L363_barcode_map.txt L363_barcode_counts.txt -RNAcols:L363_RNA_1,L363_RNA_2,L363_RNA_3 -DNAcols:L363_DNA_1,L363_DNA_2,L363_DNA_3 L363_results.txt -p:1000
Data: Raw fastq files for the example data are available at
Niroula A, Ajore R, Nilsson B. (2019) MPRAscore: robust and non-parametric analysis of massively parallel reporter assays. Bioinformatics.
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