- To develop and deploy Twilio functions you need Twilio CLI as described below
- A contact us/callback-form page.
- either use a static html form and copy it over to Twilio assets directory.I have created a form on formstack trial account,and going to leave it here for a quick test. Don't abuse it, else it will be suspended.
- or point your existing form submission data to invoke the Twilio serverless function created using the steps below.
Via npm
or yarn
$ npm install -g twilio-cli
$ yarn global add twilio-cli
Via homebrew
$ brew tap twilio/brew && brew install twilio
$ twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless
$ twilio --help serverless
$ twilio serverless
You can use the Serverless Toolkit as a standalone tool in the form of the npm package twilio-run, however, you can also integrate it into the Twilio CLI via the Twilio Serverless plugin. The Twilio CLI covers hundreds of Twilio features and API endpoints, pair it with the Serverless plugin and you have a tool that provides all the functionality you need.
After installing the CLI, you have the twilio command available in your environment. Ensure that you are authorized by running the following command in your terminal:
twilio login If you need more info on how to get started with the Twilio CLI check out the Twilio video tip “Introducing the Twilio CLI!”.
After a fresh installation, the Twilio CLI is missing the serverless commands. To add these commands, install the serverless plugin from within the Twilio CLI itself. Run the plugin:install command:
twilio plugins:install @twilio-labs/plugin-serverless After the plugin installation finishes, new commands like twilio serverless:deploy and twilio serverless:start become available right at your fingertips. 🎉
A quick note about plugin; the Twilio CLI is not only able to install plugins but it also provides the functionality to keep plugins up-to-date. The serverless plugin is still pretty new – make sure to run twilio plugins:update now and then to receive updates.
npm start
OR using twilio CLI
twilio serverless:start
twilio serverless:deploy
The output will look something like this
Deploying functions & assets to the Twilio Runtime
Account AC35f0*************
Token f297****************************
Service Name flex-virtual-queue
Environment dev
Root Directory <path>/plugin-flex-virtual-queue/serverless/flex-virtual-queue
Env Variables VirtualQueueWorkflowSid, VirtualQueueTaskChannelSid, VirtualQueueWorkSpaceSid
✔ Serverless project successfully deployed
Deployment Details
Domain: flex-virtual-queue-<23423>-dev.twil.io
flex-virtual-queue (ZSe5dbd73XXYYSFESDFsdfwer89f6)
dev (ZE4aeaf01e35ADSFSDAFFDSFASDF5114b6)
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