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A Windows-specific package for simulating keyboard and mouse inputs


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WinDirectInput is born out of a desire to enhance and extend the capabilities left untouched by PyAutoGUI. It's a robust tool designed for developers and automation enthusiasts. This module excels in detecting key inputs and offers an improved screenshot functionality using mss, providing a faster alternative for real-time applications like object detection with OpenCV.

This module is a testament to innovation in automation, filling gaps and pushing the boundaries of what's possible in automated input control.


To start using WinDirectInput, simply install it via pip:

pip install WinDirectInput

After installation, you can import and use the module in your Python scripts:

import directinput


WinDirectInput thrives on the shoulders of powerful dependencies and requires Python 3.8 or higher. Key dependencies include:

  • opencv-python: For image processing and object detection integrations.
  • numpy: Essential for handling arrays and complex mathematical operations.
  • mss: The secret ingredient for lightning-fast screenshots.
  • pyscreeze, pyperclip: Supporting libraries enhancing the module's functionality.


Keyboard Functions

  • keyDown(*keys)

    • Simulates pressing down one or more keys.
    • Parameters:
      • *keys (str): One or more keys to press down. Key names should correspond to key mappings.
    • Example:
      directinput.keyDown('ctrl', 'a')
  • keyUp(*keys)

    • Simulates releasing one or more keys.
    • Parameters:
      • *keys (str): One or more keys to release. Key names should correspond to key mappings.
    • Example:
      directinput.keyUp('ctrl', 'shift')
  • keyHold(*keys)

    • Simulates holding down one or more specified keys.
    • The keys parameter can be a single key or a list of keys.
    • This function should be used with a with statement to ensure that the keys are released after the block of code is executed.
    • Parameters:
      • *keys (str): One or more keys to hold down.
    • Example:
      with directinput.keyHold("ctrl", "shift"):
  • keyPress(keys, interval=0.01, presses=1, key_delay=0.01, simultaneously=False)

    • Simulates pressing one or more keys.
    • The keys parameter can be a single key or a list of keys.
    • Additionally, the simultaneously parameter can be set to True to press all keys at once, rather than sequentially.
    • Parameters:
      • keys (str or list of str): The key or list of keys to press. Key names should correspond to key mappings.
      • interval (float, optional): The interval between key presses in seconds. Default is 0.01.
      • presses (int, optional): The number of times to press the keys. Default is 1.
      • key_delay (float, optional): The delay between each key press and release in seconds. Default is 0.01.
      • simultaneously (bool, optional): Whether to press all keys at once. Default is False.
    • Example:
      directinput.keyPress(['ctrl', 'c'])
      directinput.keyPress(['ctrl', 'shift'], simultaneously=True)
      directinput.keyPress('b', presses=3, interval=0.5)
  • hotKey(*keys, key_delay=0.01)

    • Simulates pressing a combination of keys, which are pressed down in order, and then released in reverse order.
    • This function can accept multiple key arguments.
    • Parameters:
      • *keys (str): One or more keys to press as part of the hotkey combination.
      • key_delay (float, optional): The delay between each key press and release in seconds. Default is 0.01.
    • Example:
      directinput.hotKey('ctrl', 'shift', 'esc')
  • write(text, interval=0.0, key_delay=0.03)

    • Types out a given text string.
    • Optionally, interval (in seconds) between key presses can be specified to simulate a more natural typing speed.
    • Parameters:
      • text (str): The text string to type out.
      • interval (float, optional): The interval between each character in seconds. Default is 0.0.
      • key_delay (float, optional): The delay between key press and release for each character in seconds. Default is 0.03.
    • Example:
      directinput.write("Hello, World!", interval=0.1)
  • keyDetect(*keys)

    • Checks if one or more specified keys are currently pressed.
    • The keys parameter can be a single key (as a string) or a list of keys.
    • Parameters:
      • *keys (str): The key or a combination of keys to check. It can take keyboard keys and also mouse buttons.
    • Returns:
      • bool: True if all specified keys are pressed, False otherwise.
    • Example:
      directinput.keyDetect('a')           # Check if the 'a' key is pressed.
      directinput.keyDetect('ctrl', 'c')   # Check if both 'ctrl' and 'c' keys are pressed.
      directinput.keyDetect('left_mouse')  # Check if left mouse button is pressed.
      directinput.keyDetect('xbutton1')    # Check if mouse xbutton1 is pressed.

Mouse Functions

  • mouseClick(button='left', interval=0.01, presses=1, key_delay=0.01)

    • Simulates mouse click events.
    • Parameters:
      • button (str, optional): The mouse button to click ('left', 'right', or 'middle'). Default is 'left'.
      • interval (float, optional): The interval (in seconds) between each click. Default is 0.01.
      • presses (int, optional): The number of times to click the mouse button. Default is 1.
      • key_delay (float, optional): The delay (in seconds) between each click down and click release. Default is 0.01.
    • Example:
      directinput.mouseClick('right', presses=2, interval=0.5)
      directinput.mouseClick('middle', presses=3)
  • mouseDown(button='left')

    • Simulates pressing down a mouse button.
    • Parameters:
      • button (str, optional): The mouse button to press ('left', 'right', or 'middle'). Default is 'left'.
    • Example:
  • mouseUp(button='left')

    • Simulates releasing a mouse button.
    • Parameters:
      • button (str, optional): The mouse button to release ('left', 'right', or 'middle'). Default is 'left'.
    • Example:
  • mouseHold(button='left')

    • Simulates holding down a specified mouse button, similar to the keyHold function.
    • The button parameter can be 'left', 'right', or 'middle'.
    • This function should be used with a with statement to ensure that the mouse button is released after the block of code is executed.
    • Parameters:
      • button (str, optional): The mouse button to hold down ('left', 'right', or 'middle'). Default is 'left'.
    • Example:
      with directinput.mouseHold('right'):
  • moveMouseTo(x=None, y=None, duration=0.0)

    • Moves the mouse cursor to a specified position over a given duration.
    • Parameters:
      • x (int or float, optional): The target x-coordinate for the mouse cursor. If not specified, the current x-coordinate is used.
      • y (int or float, optional): The target y-coordinate for the mouse cursor. If not specified, the current y-coordinate is used.
      • duration (int or float, optional): The duration over which the mouse cursor should move to the target position, in seconds. Default is 0.0.
    • Example:
      directinput.moveMouseTo(100, 200)
      directinput.moveMouseTo(300, 400, 1.0)
      directinput.moveMouseTo(y=500, duration=0.5)
  • moveMouse(xOffset=0, yOffset=0, duration=0.0)

    • Moves the mouse cursor relative to its current position by specified x and y offsets over a specified duration.
    • Parameters:
      • xOffset (int or float, optional): The offset in the x direction to move the mouse cursor. Default is 0.
      • yOffset (int or float, optional): The offset in the y direction to move the mouse cursor. Default is 0.
      • duration (int or float, optional): The duration over which the mouse cursor should move to the new position, in seconds. Default is 0.0.
    • Example:
      directinput.moveMouse(100, 50)
      directinput.moveMouse(-50, 0, 1.0)
      directinput.moveMouse(yOffset=100, duration=0.5)
  • scrollMouse(clicks)

    • Scrolls the mouse wheel vertically.
    • The clicks parameter determines the amount and direction of the scroll: a positive value scrolls up, while a negative value scrolls down.
    • For a visible result, it is recommended to use a value of 100 or more, as smaller numbers may not produce a significant scrolling.
    • Parameters:
      • clicks (int): The number of clicks to scroll. Positive values scroll up, negative values scroll down.
    • Example:
      directinput.scrollMouse(120)   # Scroll up with a value of 120 clicks.
      directinput.scrollMouse(-100)  # Scroll down with a value of 100 clicks.

Utility Functions

  • screenshot(filename=None, region=None)

    • Takes a screenshot of the entire screen.
    • Additionally, there's a region parameter which captures specified region of the screen.
    • It takes a tuple specifying the top-left x, top-left y, width, and height.
    • Parameters:
      • filename (str, optional): The file path to save the screenshot. This can be any valid file type such as .png, .jpg, .pdf, etc. If not specified, the screenshot is not saved.
      • region (tuple, optional): A tuple specifying the region to capture (top-left x, top-left y, width, height). If not specified, captures the entire screen.
    • Returns:
      • Image: The captured screenshot as an Image object.
    • Example:
      directinput.screenshot(region=(0, 0, 800, 600))
      directinput.screenshot('region.png', region=(100, 100, 300, 200))
  • getMousePosition()

    • Returns the current (x, y) position of the mouse cursor.
    • Returns:
      • Point: The current mouse cursor position as (x, y).
    • Example:
      position = directinput.getMousePosition()
      print(position.x, position.y)
  • getDisplaySize()

    • Returns the width and height of the primary display.
    • Returns:
      • Size: The size of the primary display as (width, height).
    • Example:
      display_size = directinput.getDisplaySize()
      print(display_size.width, display_size.height)
  • locateImage(needleImage, haystackImage=None, grayscale=False, region=None, threshold=0.999)

    • Searches for an image (needleImage) within another image (haystackImage) or the screen.
    • If haystackImage is not provided, the entire screen is used.
    • The grayscale parameter can be set to True to perform the search in grayscale, which can improve performance.
    • The region parameter can specify a specific area to search within, and threshold sets the accuracy required for a match.
    • Parameters:
      • needleImage (str): The file path of the image to locate.
      • haystackImage (str, optional): The file path of the image in which to search. If not provided, the entire screen is used.
      • grayscale (bool, optional): Whether to perform the search in grayscale. Default is False.
      • region (tuple, optional): A tuple specifying the region to search within (top-left x, top-left y, width, height). If not specified, the entire image or screen is used.
      • threshold (float, optional): The confidence threshold for image matching. Default is 0.999.
    • Returns:
      • Point or None: The center coordinates of the located image as (x, y), or None if the image is not found.
    • Example:
      position = directinput.locateImage('needle.png')
      position = directinput.locateImage('needle.png', 'haystack.png', grayscale=True, threshold=0.95)
      position = directinput.locateImage('needle.png', region=(0, 0, 800, 600))

Available Keys and Mouse Buttons

All the keys listed can be detected as well as pressed, except xbutton1 and xbutton2, which cannot be pressed.

Keyboard Keys

  • Alphabets:

    • a, A, b, B, c, C, d, D, e, E, f, F, g, G, h, H, i, I, j, J, k, K, l, L, m, M, n, N, o, O, p, P, q, Q, r, R, s, S, t, T, u, U, v, V, w, W, x, X, y, Y, z, Z
  • Numbers:

    • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
    • num0, num1, num2, num3, num4, num5, num6, num7, num8, num9
  • Symbols:

    • `, ~, !, @, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), -, _, =, +, [, {, ], }, \, |, ;, :, ', ", ,, <, ., >, /, ?
  • Function Keys:

    • f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12
  • Control Keys:

    • space, esc, tab, backspace, enter, numenter, shift, lshift, rshift, ctrl, lctrl, rctrl, alt, lalt, ralt, win, lwin, rwin, apps, capslock, numlock, scrolllock, insert, delete, home, end, pageup, pagedown, prtsc, sysrq
  • Calculation Keys:

    • num-, num/, num*, num+, num.
  • Arrow Keys:

    • up, down, left, right

Mouse Buttons

  • Primary Buttons:

    • left, right, middle
  • Additional Buttons:

    • xbutton1 (can only be detected), xbutton2 (can only be detected)

Example Usage

Writing Complex Strings

import directinput

# Writing a string with special characters
directinput.write("Hello, world! ✌️")

This demonstrates the enhanced write function, capable of handling a wide range of characters, surpassing limitations you might find in other modules.

Detecting Key Presses

import directinput

# Detect if the 'A' key is being pressed
if directinput.keyDetect('a'):
    print("The 'A' key is pressed!")

# Detect if both 'left_mouse' and 'xbutton1' is being pressed
if directinput.keyDetect(['left_mouse', 'xbutton1']):

Locating an Image on the Screen

The locateImage function in WinDirectInput adds a layer of flexibility to image detection. Whether you're automating tasks based on visual cues or integrating with image processing, this function is incredibly handy.

import directinput

# Locate an image on the screen
point = directinput.locateImage("path_to_needle_image.png")

if point is not None:
    print(f"Image found at {point}")
    print("Image not found")

How Does It Work?

WinDirectInput is tailored for Windows 10 or higher systems, harnessing the underlying Windows API to deliver its functionalities. This specific design choice ensures compatibility and performance, particularly in how keyboard and mouse inputs are handled and how screenshots are captured and processed.

Your Contribution Matters

Your insights and contributions are pivotal to the evolution of WinDirectInput. Here's how you can get involved:

  • Report Bugs or Request Features: Encounter a bug or have an idea for a new feature? Open an issue on our GitHub page.
  • Code Contributions: Got a fix or enhancement? Submit a pull request to improve the codebase.


A Windows-specific package for simulating keyboard and mouse inputs







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