A beautiful web page has been crafted with the purpose of streamlining the tedious task of transforming code from my GitHub profile into a polished LaTeX laboratory record template. No longer do I have to waste precious time copying and pasting code, adding titles, and outlining the aim. This simple project saves me and my colleagues a significant amount of time, allowing us to focus on what truly matters.
This application operates entirely on the client-side, utilizing only public APIs for all data fetching processes. As a result, it operates without the need for a server, eliminating any concerns regarding scalability. This design decision allows for a streamlined user experience, while also ensuring efficient and effective functionality.
Note: This page only has support for public repositories.
If you find my project useful and want to show your support, you can give it a star on GitHub. By doing so, you will be contributing to its visibility and helping others discover it as well. Additionally, if you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvements, you can start an issue in the GitHub repository's readme. This not only helps to keep the project running smoothly, but it also allows me to continuously improve the project and better serve the community. So, don't hesitate to give a star or start an issue in the GitHub readme, and together we can make this project a success.
[link to video]
This application operates entirely on the client-side, utilizing only public APIs for all data fetching processes. As a result, it operates without the need for a server, eliminating any concerns regarding scalability. This design decision allows for a streamlined user experience, while also ensuring efficient and effective functionality.
- Bootstrap 5.3
- Tailwind CSS
- JavaScript
- GitHub API
git clone https://github.com/abdulhakkeempa/github-to-latex.git
cd github-to-latex
Open the index.html
Include new features, update, bug fixes for the project