A daemon or service for notifying about Islamic prayers timings on Linux using an API from aladhan.com.
1- g++
2- curl
3- jq
4- dunst (Or any notification server.)
# First, you must be in same directory as the project
# Make them executable
chmod +x update_timings.sh
chmod +x set_next.sh
# If you will use the prayer_timer.patch with slstatus
chmod +x update_rem.sh
g++ calc_next.cpp -o calc_next.o
# Starting the program for current session
#to apply the patch, run this is slstatus dir
git apply PATH_TO/prayer_timer.patch
You can auto start "update_timings.sh" on startup on you system.
Note: You must change every absolute path used in this project to yours!!.
Note: in every execution timings are updated, so every day when auto start it will be upated.