- Ugu horayn Fork dheh adigoo xaga sare ee geeska midig ku arkaya calaamada fargeetadda.
- Kedib hadi aad Git ku isticmaashid computer-kaaga clone garayso ama copy ka samayso.
- Branch ama laan la dhaho contribution/{magacaaga} ka samayso
- developers.md fur kedibna meel dhexda ah magacaaga kudar (NB:hakudarin magacaaga meesha ugu horaysa ama ugu danbeysa, sidoo kale dadka xogtooda waxba haka bedelin) -
- Fork the repo
- Clone your fork
- Create a branch eg. contribution/yourname
- Edit developers.md file and add your name in the middle to prevent merge conflicts
- Stage your changes using
git add .
- Comiit your changes using this commit template
Add {yourname} to developers list
- Push your changes to your fork with
git push
- Create a pull request 🎉 🎊
We appreciate your thought to contribute to open source. ❤️