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SAT solvers

This repo contains SAT solvers that are implemented following descriptions in Donald Knuth's The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4B (Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 2).

Solvers currently implemented are:

  • Algorithm B: Backtracking with watched literals
  • Algorithm D: DPLL
  • Algorithm C: CDCL
  • Algorithm L: DPLL with lookahead (modeled after march [1] [2])
  • Algorithm W: WalkSAT

These solvers are all built to accept DIMACS input files and follow the output format used in SAT comptetitions.


You'll need git to clone this repo, g++ and make to build and python3 to run instance generators in the gen/ subdirectory. bash is used as the shell for scripts.

On a debian-based Linux distribution, you can make sure you have everything you need by running:

apt-get update && apt-get install bash build-essential git python3

Next, clone this repo:

git clone

cd into the top level of the clone (cd sat) and run make to buld everything. This should produce five binaries and put them in the bin/ subdirectory:

  • btwl (Algorithm B)
  • dpll (Algorithm D)
  • cdcl (Algorithm C)
  • look (Algorithm L)
  • walk (Algorithm W)

To create the fastest binaries, compile out any logging, counters, or timers by adding OPT=1 and rebuilding from scratch:

make clean bin/cdcl OPT=1


Run any of the SAT solver binaries against a DIMACS CNF input file by passing the input file as an argument, for example:

./bin/dpll ./test/simple_1.cnf

All solvers accept a set of common flags:

  • -sN: Set the random seed to integer N.
  • -vN: Set the logging verbosity to a number N >= 0. 0 means no logging, more detail comes with higher levels.
  • -t: Collect timing information, dump at exit.
  • -c: Collect counters, dump at exit.
  • -dF: Output a DRAT proof on unsatisfiable instances to file F. (Only works for cdcl.)
  • -p[p1=v1][;pn=vn]*: Set binary-specific parameters to floating point values.
  • -h: Display all flags and parameters available.


The script/ subdirectory contains test scripts and the test/ subdirectory contains test instances (DIMACS CNF files). Test files are all annotated with comments labeling them as satisfiable/unsatisfiable and a subjective rating of easy/medium/hard.

The script/ script can be used to test a SAT solver against these files. Pass the solver with -b, the difficulty with -d and an optional per-instance timeout with -t. For example, to test the dpll solver against all easy instances with a timeout of 10 seconds per instance, run:

./script/ -bdpll -deasy -t10s

A full list of flags accepted by script/

  • -bX: The solver to test, where X is one of {btwl,dpll,cdcl,look,walk}. Default: btwl.
  • -dX: Test instance difficulty, where X is one of {easy,medium,hard}. Default: easy.
  • -lX: Test instance label, where X is either sat or unsat. Default: test both sat and unsat.
  • -pX: Binary-specific params. X is passed through directly as -p flags to the solver.
  • -sN: Random seed, an integer. N is passed through directly as -s flag to the solver.
  • -tX: Timeout. Format for X is a floating point duration with an optional suffix of s (seconds, default), m (minutes), h (hours), d (days).
  • -v: If set, verify results. Uses script/ to verify satisfiable results and expects bin/drat-trim to exist to verify unsatisfiable results. All binaries can have their satisfiable results verified, only cdcl can have its unsatisfiable results verified.

Using Instance Generators

Generators in the gen/ subdirectory are meant to be run at the command line and output the instance to stdout. Read the header comments for a generator to see the command-line arguments it expects. To generate an instance file, for example, just redirect the output to a file:

./gen/ 5 > langford_5.cnf

To run a SAT solver directly against the output of a generator without an intermediate file, use bash process substitution:

./bin/dpll <(./gen/ 5)


./script/ supports fuzz-testing one binary against another on randomly generated instances. Random instances close to the sat/unsat threshold are created using the ./gen/ generator.

Flags accepted:

  • -bX: The experiment solver, where X is one of {btwl,dpll,cdcl,look,walk}. Default: look.
  • -cX: The control solver, where X is one of {btwl,dpll,cdcl,look,walk}. Default: cdcl.
  • -dX: The difficulty, where X is one of {easy,medium,hard}. Default: easy.
  • -nN: Number of tests N to run. Default: 20.
  • -pX: Parameters sent to the experiment solver.
  • -rN: Integer random seed N used by the control binary.
  • -sN: Integer random seed N used by the experiment binary.
  • -tX: Timeout. X should be in the same timeout format accepted by ./script/