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CNS Flight Stack: Autonomy Engine

License Paper Release

Maintainer: Alessandro Fornasier


This code was written by the Control of Networked System (CNS), University of Klagenfurt.


This software is made available to the public to use (source-available), licensed under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause-License with no commercial use allowed, the full terms of which are made available in the LICENSE file. No license in patents is granted.

Usage for academic purposes

If you use this software in an academic research setting, please cite the corresponding paper and consult the LICENSE file for a detailed explanation.

    title        = {CNS Flight Stack for Reproducible, Customizable, and Fully Autonomous Applications},
    author       = {Scheiber, Martin and Fornasier, Alessandro and Jung, Roland and Böhm, Christoph and Dhakate, Rohit and Stewart, Christian and Steinbrener, Jan and Weiss, Stephan and Brommer, Christian},
    journal      = {IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
    volume       = {7},
    number       = {4},
    year         = {2022},
    doi          = {10.1109/LRA.2022.3196117},
    url          = {},
    pages        = {11283--11290}

Getting Started


This package is part of the CNS Flight Stack and thus depends on the other packages of the flight stack:

Further the following libraries are required

  • ROS1 noetic


As this is a ROS package, please build it within the catkin environment with

catkin build autonomy_engine

Please make sure the above mentioned dependencies are available in your workspace.

Autonomy Engine Description

The autonomy engine is responsible for the overall mission operation. After launching the node, the autonomy will prompt the user for a predefined mission sequence. After the user confirmed a selection, the autonomy engine is responsible for the following tasks

  • Pre-Flight Checks
  • Mission Operation
  • Data Clean-Up
  • Error Handling

Errors that might occur during these steps are reported to the user depending on the severity. If the autonomy and consecutive nodes can solve an error without external action, a warning is published to the terminal.

Pre-Flight Checks

Pre-Flight Checks concern all aspects that are necessary to perform a successful flight. The autonomy implements the logic and manages the sub-modules that are responsible for performing the checks, including:

  • Communication with the WatchDog node to clarify that all ROS nodes are running, driver status are correct, and sensors provide measurements based on their defined rate. If these conditions are not met and the WatchDog node can not solve the issue, external action is required.

  • Communication with sub-modules responsible for performing checks e.g. check the flatness of the platform before takeoff, or check the distance to the ground, etc.

  • Communication with the state estimator to ensure that the provided estimation is healty.

  • Finally, the autonomy displays the result of the checks, if all the checks succeeded the autonomy starts the data recording and communicates with the mission manager that the platform is ready for taking off.

Mission Operation

During the mission, the autonomy is responsible for handling sensor failures and react based on the severity. The autonomy communicates with the watchdog and with the mission sequencer to ensure a safe flight. At the end of the mission, the autonomy communicates with the mission manager that the mission has ended and the platform is ready to land.

Data Clean Up

After the mission, the autonomy triggers the end of the data recording which leads to a wait time till all data is written and was merged between the two embedded platforms.

Error Handling

At any time after the Pre-Flight checks, the WatchDog node can communicate an error to the autonomy. The autonomy engine is responsible for triggering an action depending on the severity of the issue. As an example, a failure of the mission camera can't be tolerated and an emergency landing is triggered immediately. On the other side, a failure of the RealSense is not critical but inconvenient for data recording. Thus, the autonomy waits until the autonomy restarted the respective node and continues. However, if a maximum restart time of the node is reached and the error was not solved, the mission can be continued.

Interaction with the WatchDog Node

The safety node a.k.a. watchdog is started by the Autonomy via a service request. After this, the safety node will open two streams; the status stream which communicates changes in the status of the various watched sensors, and the action stream which is used by the autonomy engine to communicate actions to be performed to restore the nominal functionalities of a specific sensor.

Possible states for the status stream, are:

Value Status
0 Undefined Condition
1 Nominal Condition
2 Starting phase
4 Inconvenient Failure (defect)
8 Error

Possible states for the action stream, are:

Value Status
0 No action
1 Fix node
2 Fix driver

Configuration of the Autonomy Engine

A configuration file (yaml) has to be created for the autonomy engine. This configuration file specifies the mission to be loaded as well as the severity of the failures for each sensor.


    description: "The first mission of the day"
    instances: 1 # run this mission once
      - "/home/system/missions/first.csv"
      - ["px4_imu", "failure"]
      - ["px4_gps", "land"]
      - ["px4_mag", "hold"]
      - ["px4_bar", "hold"]
      - ["mission_cam", "land"]

    description: "The last mission of the day"
    instances: -1 # repeat indefinetly
      - "/home/system/missions/last.csv"
      - ["px4_imu", "failure"]
      - ["px4_gps", "continue"]
      - ["px4_mag", "continue"]
      - ["px4_bar", "continue"]
      - ["mission_cam", "land"]

Every mission is specified in a mission file (csv) formatted as follows


The holdtime column is optional, if not present the holdtime is set to 0 by default.

Parameter description

The parameters of the launchfile are described here.

Parameter Description Default value
config_filepath Path of the configuration file
activate_user_interface Boolean to activate the UI True
activate_watchdog Boolean to actiavate the watchdog False
activate_data_recording Boolean to actiavate data recording False
estimator_init_service Boolean to actiavate the estimator initialization service False
perform_takeoff_check Boolean to perform takeoff checks False
perform_estimator_check Boolean to perform estimator health checks False
activate_landing_detection Boolean to actiavate landing detection False
inflight_sensors_init_service Boolean to actiavate inflight sensor initalization False
register aux Boolean to actiavate aux channels (rc channels) registration False
hover_after_mission_completion Boolean to actiavate hovering (instead of landing) after mission completion False
sequence_multiple_in_flight Boolean to sequence multiple mission in flight (without perform landing - preflight checks - takeoff in between missions) False
watchdog_heartbeat_topic Topic of the watchdog heartbeat message /watchdog/heartbeat
watchdog_status_topic Topic of the watchdog status message /watchdog/status
watchdog_action_topic Topic for a watchdog action message /watchdog/action
mission_sequencer_request_topic Topic for a mission sequencer request message /missionsequencer/request
mission_sequencer_response_topic Topic of the mission sequencer response message /missionsequencer/response
mission_sequencer_waypoints_topic Topic to communicate waypoints to the mission sequencer /missionsequencer/waypoints
landing_detection_topic Topic of the landing detection message /toland/is_landed
watchdog_start_service_name Service name to start the watchdog /watchdog/service/start
data_recrding_service_name Service name to start and stop data recording /datarecording/record
takeoff_service_name Service name to request takeoff checks /toland/service/takeoff
estimator_supervisor_service_name Service name to request estimator supervision /estimator_supervisor/supervise
estimator_init_service_name Service name to initialize state estimation /estimator/init
inflight_sensor_init_services_name Names of services that has to be called after takeoff (Array of service names) []
watchdog_rate_Hz Framerate of watchdog heartbeat 1.0
watchdog_startup_time_s Time the watchdog will check sensors at initialization (in seconds) 15
watchdog_heartbeat_timeout_multiplier multiplier to set the maximum allowed time without receiving watchdog heartbeat 2.0
maximum_flight_time_min Maximum allowed flight time (in minutes) 10
fix_timeout_ms Maximum time to fix an issue (in milliseconds) 1500
preflight_fix_timeout_ms Maximum time to fix an issue in preflight stage (in milliseconds) 2500
data_recording_delay_after_failure_s Time to wait before stopping data recording in case of failure (in seconds) 5
mission_id_no_ui Mission to be performed in case of no UI 1
logger_filepath Path of the logger file
trajectory_dir Global path to trajectories directory <path_to_autonomy_engine>/config/trajectories


Please refer to the academic paper for further insights of the Autonomy Engine.

autonomy_engine state diagram

Known Issues

None at this point in time, please submit an issue request using the git interface if any issues arise.

Package Layout

/path/to/autonomy_engine$ tree -L 3 --noreport --charset unicode
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- config
|   |-- config_template.yaml
|   `-- trajectories
|       `-- template_dir
|-- docs
|   `-- resources
|       `-- state_diagram_autonomy.png
|-- include
|   |-- autonomy_core
|   |   |-- autonomy_defs.h
|   |   |-- autonomy.h
|   |   |-- autonomy_options.h
|   |   `-- mission.h
|   |-- spdlog
|   |   `-- ...
|   |-- state_machine
|   |   |-- state.h
|   |   `-- states
|   |-- timer
|   |   `-- timer.h
|   |-- utils
|   |   |-- colors.h
|   |   |-- except.h
|   |   |-- format.h
|   |   |-- logger.h
|   |   `-- utilities.h
|   `-- waypoints_parser
|       `-- waypoints_parser.h
|-- launch
|   `-- autonomy.launch
|-- msg
|   `-- LogMessage.msg
|-- package.xml
`-- src
    |-- autonomy_core
    |   |-- autonomy.cpp
    |   `-- mission.cpp
    |-- autonomy_node.cpp
    |-- state_machine
    |   |-- state.cpp
    |   `-- states
    |-- timer
    |   `-- timer.cpp
    `-- waypoints_parser
        `-- waypoints_parser.cpp