- Tests behaviour for Accept-Encoding: gzip from consumers. #127
- Handle batch item responses for event posting. #116
- Add support for posting raw JSON strings.
- Add experimental support for schema versioning to track the Nakadi API.
- Capture metrics and add more logging for checkpoint requests.
- Use a new http logger that elides auth and log to SLF4J
- Give StreamProcessor scheduler threads specific names.
- Block the caller on StreamProcessor.startBlocking, mark method as deprecated
Rollup of 0.6.x releases
- Add uncaught exception loggers to thread factories.
- Add type literal helper support.
- Fix request/3 to use non-throwing http call.
- Handle retries with non-throwing requests.
- Change streaming accept header to application/json #98
- Add back pressure buffering to stream processor for volume stream requests. #100
- Allow blocking access to stream processors
- Add back pressure buffering to stream processor for volume stream requests. #100
- Change streaming accept header to application/json #98
- Allow blocking access to streams
- Reject stream retry delays that are less than 1s #83
- Extend RetryPolicy to support a max time backoff #81
- Add some optional (non-throwing on 404) finders to event types and subscriptions #71
- Fix zign process call
- TokenProviderZign adds known scopes by default #78
- Update readme to point at nakadi-java-examples, help wanted, and recent features
- Don't use exhausted (finished) retries, add a meter to track when this happens
- Fix bug in throwing request with serialised response on the non-retry path
- Clean up OkHttpResource http call chains, and always run requests inside an observable
- Test http resource methods
- Test how business and undefined events are posted over HTTP
- Test retryable exceptions
- Test status code to exception mappings
- Update serialization type for undefined events
- Add Javadoc to the subscription resources
- Handle the case when the server returns no problem
- Fix bug serializing raw responses.
- Make ExponentialRetry public.
- Add backoff policy support to methods on Resource/OkHttpResource.
- Add backoffs retryable errors on auto-paginators. #27
- Add backoff support to retryable errors on metrics, registry, health, event type, event and subscription calls.
- Allow callers to set retry policies.
- Allow custom scopes to be set for event streaming.
- Allow custom scopes to be set for event sending.
- Allow scopes and custom scopes to be set for event type resources.
- Allow custom scopes to be set for subscriptions.
- Simplify event sending method interface.
- Remove dependencies from TokenProviderZign
- Change the TokenProvider interface to accept a scope; breaking interface change with 0.0.6
- Add an extension jar, "nakadi-java-zign", for Zign tokens #20
- Make ExecutorServiceSupport public (allows the Zign extension to run in the background)
- Use the event write scope when sending an event
- Use the event read scope when opening an event stream
- Allow self-signed or other non-trusted certificates to be configured #40
- Fix non-null check on cursors
- Handle retryable errors on subscription consumer checkpointer #28
- Run healthcheck with a backoff.
- Extract a common data field interface for all Event categories.
- Fix event type setter checks
- Add Javadoc to API. #19
- Shutdown all stream processing executors.
- Remove unused class SubscriptionList.
- Publishing to jcenter instead of dl.bintray
- Make UndefinedEventMapped and BusinessEventMapped generic #18
- Handle half-open connections or the server not sending keepalives within batch limit time. #21
- Remove the option to configure the JSON provider.
- Handle leap second strings by pushing them back 1 second.
- Improve stream processor and observer logging.
- Rework thread model to use two single threaded io and processing executors.
- Grant copyright to Zalando SE.
- Add an overview to the readme.
- Deprecate setting JSON support (will be rm'd for 1.0.0).
- Provide convenience methods for event posting.
- Use varargs for setting parent eids.
Initial release. Complete implementation of the API with support for:
- Event Types. Create, edit, delete, list. Read partition information.
- Events. Send one or multiple events.
- Subscriptions. Create, edit, delete, find, list. View cursors.
- Streams. Subscription and Event Type streams. Streams can automatically retry on failure. Subscription streams automatically checkpoint. Customer stream consumers can be configured with backpressure.
- Registry. View enrichments and validations. Note: reading validations is documented but not supported by the Nakadi server.
- Metrics. Read server metrics.
- Health. Exception and HTTP based healthcheck calls.