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Joi extension to validate date that described as a string without time component.


npm install --save a1black/joi-calendardate


const calendardate = require('joi-calendardate')
const Joi = require('joi').extend(calendardate)

const userSchema = Joi.object({
  name: Joi.string().required(),
  birthday: Joi.calendardate().lt('today', { min: '18 year' }).required()
// => Verify that user provided name and is 18 years or older.



Generates a schema object that requires input string to match YYYY-MM-DD format (unless dfferent format is set, see format()), if the validation convert option is on (enabled by default), input Date instance will be converted to a string. On validation schema returns a date component in simplified extended ISO format.

Possible validation errors: calendardate.base, calendardate.empty


Overwrites default format for parsing date string. calendardate schema uses strict matching, i.e. format must match input string exactly, including delimiters.


  • format: {string | Function} - format for parsing date string or custom parser function.
const { value } = Joi.calendardate().format('DD.MM.YYYY').validate('28.06.2021')
// => 2021-06-28
const { value } = Joi.calendardate().format('YYYYMM').validate('202106')
// => 2021-06-01
const { error } = Joi.calendardate().format('D/M/YY').validate('28/06/21')
// => Error: calendardate.format

List of available parsing tokens and delimiters

Token Example Description
YY 21 Year, 2-digit
YYYY 2021 Year, 4-digit
M 1-12 Month, 1 corresponds to January
MM 01-12 Month, 2-digit
D 1-31 Day of month
DD 01-31 Day of month, 2-digit

Allowed delimiter characters are , (comma), . (dot), - (minus sign), / (forward slash) and space.


Casts validated value to the specified type.


  • to: [date | number | days | weeks | months | quarters | years]
Cast Type Return value
date Date instance.
number Number of milliseconds since the epoch.
days Number of days since current date.
weeks Number of weeks since current date.
months Number of months since current date.
quarters Number of quarters since current date.
years Number of years since current date.


Requires input string to contain no leading or trailing whitespace. If the validation convert option is on (enabled by default), the string will be trimmed.


  • enabled: {boolean} - optional parameter defaulting to true.
const { value } = Joi.calendardate().trim().validate(' 2021-06-28 ')
// => 2021-06-28

Possible validation errors: calendardate.trim


Specifies that the value must be equal to date.


const schema = joi.object({
  date1: Joi.calendardate().eq('today'),
  date2: Joi.calendardate().eq('2021-06-28'),
  date3: Joi.calendardate().eq(new Date())

Possible validation errors: calendardate.eq

gt(date, [options])

Specifies that the value must be greater than date.


const schema = Joi.calendardate().gt('2021-06-28', {
  max: '1 year',
  min: '6 months'

Possible validation errors:, calendardate.exact, calendardate.max, calendardate.min

ge(date, [options])

Specifies that the value must be greater or equal to date.


const schema = joi.object({
  date1: Joi.calendardate().ge('tomorrow'),
  date2: Joi.calendardate().ge('2021-06-28'),
  date3: Joi.calendardate().ge(new Date())

Possible validation errors:

lt(date, [options])

Specifies that the value must be less than date.


const schema = Joi.calendardate().lt('2021-06-28', {
  max: '1 year',
  min: '6 months'

Possible validation errors:, calendardate.exact, calendardate.max, calendardate.min

le(date, [options])

Specifies that the value must be less or equal to date.


const schema = joi.object({
  date1: Joi.calendardate().le('yesterday'),
  date2: Joi.calendardate().le('2021-06-28'),
  date3: Joi.calendardate().le(new Date())

Possible validation errors: calendardate.le



  • 'today' | 'tomorrow' | 'yesterday' | string | Date

Date to compare with, can be a string in simplified extended ISO format (date component only) or Date instance.

// examples
let value = '7/30'
// => 'M/D'
let value = '7/9/21'
// => 'M/D/YY
let value = '2021-06-21'
// => 'YYYY-MM-DD'


Options for date comparison provide limits on a difference between two dates in full time units.


  • Object

Template variables:

  • #limit - Number of time units
  • #unit - Unit as provided (e.g. { max: '1 years' } results in unit = 'years')


Name Type Description
exact [number, string] | string Distance must be equal to specified duration.
max [number, string] | string Distance must be less or equal to specified duration.
min [number, string] | string Distance must be greater or equal to specified duration.

Unknown keys are not allowed in the option object and raise Error.

const { value } = Joi.calendardate()
  .gt('2021-01-01', { max: '1 year' })
// => valid, there is only one full year difference.

Time units

Units are case-sensitive and support plural and short forms.

Unit Shorthand
day d
week w
month M
quarter Q
year y


This project is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. See the LICENSE file for more info.