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guillaume charbonnier edited this page Apr 11, 2020 · 2 revisions
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s🤘ag, a free presentation system based on QML


The aim of this project is to provide a tool to easily create simple application with building blocks made in QML.
As s🤘ag is basically loading and interpreting QML documents, there is no reason why s🤘ag would be limited to a presentation system : it could be possible to use it to create any kind of application.

There are already a number of similar projects, why create yet another one ?
Well... :

  1. because it is fun ! s🤘ag is the kind of project that covers lots of domain.
  2. because it is free ! Most of the existing mature solution I know are based on a user locking in : either because of closed license or because of SaaS mode. That's the reason why s🤘ag is GPL, to ensure users will always be free to use, study, modify or redistribute it !
  3. because Low Tech matters (at least to me) ! One more and more consume SaaS service for everything and whilst these demanding huge datacenter are producing lots of CO2. I am convinced that this model is not sustainable and that we should and we will move from SaaS. s🤘ag is thus an autonomous desktop solution, some very cool feature will be relying on network communication but they will remain optional and limited.

Project history

For years, I was enthusiastic of speakers using their own presentation system. As the community manager of the Nantes Qt Meetup, I had considered a number of times to use one the existing Qt based presentation projects (such as the excellent ).
Quite recently during the 2020 FOSDEM last February, I have seen a stunning talk of Christophe de Dinechin made with a custom presentation system (TAO with XL langage), and this time it really convinced me that my next presentations should be made with such a system. My first need was very simple : design a training material that could show QML code and render it dynamically.
Following the confinement call in March, as my business stalled whilst having to stay at home I had plenty of time to design a very simple version...
Starting working on the project strengthen my initial feelings that such a tool is quite fun to design, very useful for creating rocking presentation and could be used for a lot more of use cases !

why Swag as name ?

In french somethin "swag" is something cool, and i think s🤘ag is very cool ! I also liked the "Sophisticated Wild Ass Guess" as something that quickly do the job.

One can also think of fun abbreviation such as :

  • Serendipity Without A Glitch
  • Software With Awesome Generator
  • Some Would Argue Genius