A free presentation system based on QML
Swag is an effort to create a presentation system in QML.
The following platforms are supported:
- Windows
(installation details)
- From the release page, download the Inno setup installer
- Proceed with the setup
- GNU Linux
(installation details)
- From the release page, download the AppImage container.
- Set the executable flag : 'chmod u+x swag*.AppImage'
- Launch
- macOS >=10.13
(installation details)
- From the release page, download the DMG container.
- Open the container and move the Swap.app into your applications folder
- Authorize execution of swag from the security panel of the sytem settings
- Qt Sdk installed (>Qt5.14.2) with QtWebView module. Depending of Swag content, optional modules such as QtCharts, QtDataViz, QtWebView might be required.
- build tools
- MacOs : install XCode
- Windows : install MSVisualStudio or MinGW
- Linux : apt-get install build-essentials
- git clone the project and get its submodules
git clone https://github.com/a-team-fr/swag.git
cd swag
git submodule update --init
Open the project file (swag.pro) with QtCreator
Build & run [& enjoy]
- Join the Swag Mattermost to get in touch with the community
- Improve the wiki or Doxygen
- Test swag, report bugs, suggest new feature or suggestion
- pick a ticket and fire a PR
- give feedback
- rise a question or provide answer
- ...
Swag has been a great opportunity for me to do fun stuff. The following is a short list of things that I found of interest :
- Hot reload QML - the whole QML engine is reloaded when pressing Ctrl+R
- PDF rendering using a webview and pdf.js
- Syntax coloring using a TextArea and highlight.js
- PDF generation (wip)
- Using Wordpress as a backend via REST
- dynamic creation of element with loader and/or js
- CI with Github actions - automatic generation of dmg (MacOs), setup (Windows) and AppImage(Linux) on git tag creation
- v0.0.1 : good enough to play with to create simple documents and program your own QML stuff. Swag will likely show a poor UI, a number of bugs and a limited feature set. Also the document format is likely to change. Yet, this version should help understanding the project potential. This milestone should be reached somewhere in May 2020.
- v0.1.0 : good enough to create presentation. First official version using a somewhat standardized document format. Swag contains all classic presentation features together with advanced features. Swag might be used to experiment others application (dynamic report, book, training support...). This milestone should be reached somewhere around April 2021.
- v1.0.0 : good enough to create any kind of application. Swag is a mature solution to handle a number of uses cases, backed with a generous toolbox it can be used to generate easily anykind of application. This milestone might be reached somewhere around April 2030.
Feel free to review and contribute to the project roadmap.