Environment variables that need to be set
EVALUATOR_API_DATABASE_HOST | defaults to localhost | production |
EVALUATOR_API_DATABASE_PORT | defaults to 5432 | production |
EVALUATOR_API_DATABASE_PASSWORD | PG username password | production |
EV_SMTP_HOST | SMTP server address | Development, production |
EV_SMTP_PORT | SMTP server port | Development, production |
SMTP_USERNAME | SMTP user name | Development, production |
SMTP_PASSWORD | SMTP password | Development, production |
TRAVIS | If defined, signals that the application is running in travis CI environment. | Always applicable, do not set in production |
EVALUATOR_DOMAIN_NAME | Domain name Evaluator uses | Always applicable. |
RAILS_DB_POOL | Number of database pools | Should be one |
EVALUATOR_REDIS_CACHE_HOST | cache host address | defaults to localhost |
EVALUATOR_REDIS_CACHE_PORT | cache port | defaults to 6379 |
EVALUATOR_REDIS_CACHE_DB | Cache db | defaults to zero |
EVALUATOR_ARGON_T_COST | argon2 t_cost | ask someone who understands password hashing |
EVALUATOR_ARGON_M_COST | argon2 m_cost | ask someone who understands password hashing |
EVALUATOR_REDIS_MESSAGING_HOST | redis host | should be different server than cache |
EVALUATOR_REDIS_MESSAGING_PORT | redis port | should be different server than cache |
EVALUATOR_REDIS_MESSAGING_DB | redis db | should be different than cache value |
EV_SUBMISSIONS_PATH | defaults to /mnt/evaluator/submissions | need to be set in production |
EV_TEST_SUITE_PATH | defaults to /mnt/evaluator/test_suites | need to be set in production |