SciPy 2018 Talk (by Zach Sailer)
This repository contains all material for the title talk above.
The slides were built using Reveal.js.
You can view the slides in your browser here.
The analyses from this talk can be reproduced from a single Jupyter notebook found here.
All living organisms evolved from an ancient set of ancestors. That means, the proteins that make up these organisms also evolved from an ancient set. Over a few billion years, evolution improvised, diversified, and specialized these proteins to meet life’s demands. How did evolution do this? To explore this question, we use Python to infer ancient, ancestral proteins from modern protein families. We then synthesize these ancestors in lab and identify key changes that led to new evolutionary innovations. In this talk, we will resurrect an ancient protein and trace its evolutionary history in a single Jupyter Notebook.
You can see the full proposal here.
Create new environment from environment.yml
Slides are hosted as Reveal.js slides here
See the slides directory.