**This is a fork of the openzipkin module, which has an unhandled error in promise bug: openzipkin#213
This bug is in the zipkin-transport-kafka module.
Until they release a new version with this fix, we will use this fork.
If further edits to this fork are made in the zipkin-transport-kafka module, pushes can be made directly. If edits need to be made to other submodules, the lerna-publish script within package.json must be written such that lerna identifies which packages have been changed, and which are not. This requires removing the --scope argument.**
This is a module that sends Zipkin trace data from zipkin-js to Kafka.
npm install zipkin-transport-kafka --save
const {Tracer, BatchRecorder} = require('zipkin');
const {KafkaLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-kafka');
const kafkaRecorder = new BatchRecorder({
logger: new KafkaLogger({
clientOpts: {
connectionString: 'localhost:2181'
const tracer = new Tracer({
ctxImpl, // this would typically be a CLSContext or ExplicitContext
localServiceName: 'service-a' // name of this application
If you do not use zookeeper to store offsets, use clientOpts.kafkaHost
instead of clientOpts.connectionString
const {BatchRecorder} = require('zipkin');
const {KafkaLogger} = require('zipkin-transport-kafka');
const kafkaRecorder = new BatchRecorder({
logger: new KafkaLogger({
clientOpts: {
kafkaHost: 'localhost:2181'