This streaming simulator uses Eventsim as data simulator with Fluentd as data collector that sends a small stream of data to Minio.
The data is generated inside a while loop, creating a continuous flow of logs in the /opt/eventsim/output
folder. The fluentd agent is tailing the logs from this folder and sending these as packages of JSON files to S3 (or a compatible s3 storage like Minio). A sample of these files is located in 2023061719_20.json.
Each record contains the following information:
"artist": "Daryl Hall & John Oates",
"song": "Don't Hold Back Your Love",
"duration": 313.8869,
"ts": 1661129304330,
"sessionId": 20857,
"auth": "Logged In",
"level": "paid",
"itemInSession": 20,
"city": "Memphis",
"zip": "38135",
"state": "TN",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko",
"lon": -89.848559,
"lat": 35.238925,
"userId": 212,
"lastName": "Morgan",
"firstName": "Tenli",
"gender": "F",
"registration": 1655316754330
The max size of each JSON file is 3MB, this can be modified in the fluent.conf.
- Docker
- Docker compose plugin
This streaming simulator uses two services with docker-compose:
- Minio: It is an open source S3 compatible object storage. This service help us emulate the S3 behavior locally. This can be replaced for real S3 in AWS or another object storage.
- Eventsim: This service is the one in charge to generate the simulated events and forward them to Minio as a Streaming Sink.
To run the streaming simulator just run:
docker compose up
The will initialize the Minio Bucket and start sinking all the data in the bucket de-streaming-test
and the path Raw/listen_events/
. The credentials to access the bucket are defined in minio.env, and it is possible to access via UI the bucket in http://localhost:9001 with the same credentials.
Kafka can be configured as sink, adding the output plugging configuration in fluent.conf
In the case that the preferred sink is the real S3 instead the compatible solution (Minio), the following parameters needs to be updated in fluent.conf with the proper credentials, bucket, and removing the s3_endpoint parameter.
aws_key_id minio_ak # The access key for Minio
aws_sec_key minio_sk # The secret key for Minio
s3_bucket de-streaming-test # The bucket to store the log data
s3_endpoint http://minio:9000/ # The endpoint URL (like "http://localhost:9000/")
Refer to the Fluentd documentation to configure additional sinks.