This project is a door locker security system that uses a password to lock and unlock a door. It is designed for embedded systems applications and uses an AVR microcontroller, a keypad, an LCD screen, a buzzer, and a DC motor.
- Proteus 8 Professional
- C language
- I2C
- Dc-Motors
- Buzzer
- Timers
- Keypad
- Lcd
Launch To run this project, you need to:
Clone this repository to your local machine .
Open the project folder in eclipse .
Build the project and generate the hex file.
Open the Proteus simulation file in Proteus 8 Professional.
Load the hex file into the microcontroller in Proteus.
Run the simulation and interact with the keypad and LCD screen.
- This project has the following functionalities:
Setting a new password: The user can enter a new password using the keypad and confirm it by pressing ‘#’.
The password should be 5 digits long and should not start with ‘#’.
- If the password is valid, it is saved in the EEPROM memory and a confirmation message is displayed on the LCD screen.
- If the password is invalid, an error message is displayed and the user can try again.
Locking and unlocking the door:
- The user can lock or unlock the door by entering the correct password and pressing ‘#’.
- If the password is correct, the DC motor rotates clockwise or anti-clockwise to lock or unlock the door respectively, and a success message is displayed on the LCD screen.
- If the password is incorrect, a failure message is displayed and the buzzer sounds for one second.
- The user can lock or unlock the door by entering the correct password and pressing ‘#’.
User has three attempts to enter the correct password before the system is blocked for one minute.
This software is licensed under MIT License, See License for more information ©ZiadSheriif.