This web service allows users to use a E-payment system. It has the following features:
- Register/Login customers to the system.
- Customers can add money to their wallet.
- Customers can search for a service.
- Customers can use a specific service.
- Customers can apply/search for discounts.
- Customers can request refund on a service.
- Login for the admin.
- Admin can add a provider.
- Admin can check all refunds and accept/reject them.
- Admin can check all Transactions.
The following dependencies need to be installed in order to run this project:
- Java 14 or later
- Spring web framework 3.0.1
- Apache Tomcat web server
- Postman API client
- Clone the repository
- Import the project as a Maven project in a Java IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA
- Build and run the project
You can use the Postman API client and the Postman collection at to test the service.