- x86 PC
- ubuntu-20.04
- ROS Noetic with apt
- GPU Driver-460.91.03
- Cuda-11.0
- cupoch-
- Jetson xavier
- Jetpack-4.4.1(L4T 32.4.4)
- Ubuntu-18.04
- ROS-Melodic with apt
- Cuda-10.2
- Jetson container on x86 PC
- Jetpack 4.4.1
install custom version of cupoch-fat, which is based on cupoch
sudo apt install nasm
sudo apt-get --yes install xorg-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglew-dev libglfw3-dev libeigen3-dev libpng-dev libpng16-16 libsdl2-dev python-dev python-tk python3-dev python3-tk libtbb-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libc++-7-dev libc++abi-7-dev ninja-build libxi-dev
sudo apt install libfmt-dev pybind11-dev libqhull-dev libglfw3-dev liblapacke-dev
git clone https://github.com/ZhenshengLee/cupoch-fat.git
cd ./cupoch-fat
mkdir build
cd ./build
make -j6
sudo make install
following guide in README of cupoch_conversions
following guide in README of cupoch_conversions