deep-learning-USTC-22Aut-Graduate, lectured by porf. Defu Lian
applied-math-for-CS-USTC-22Aut-Graduate, lectured by prof. Qi Song
Algorithm-Design-and-Analysis-USTC-22Aut-Graduate, lectured by prof. Pan Peng
Machine-Learning-and-Knowledge-Discover-USTC-22Aut-Graduate, lectured by prof. Enhong Chen & Linli Xu
I maintain this repo:
for one thing, I want to do a record for my daily study @ postgraduate period;
for another, I want to make it a help to anyone who is coming across with difficulties when handling with those course assignments.
Please always keep in mind that do not just copy, do not just copy and do not just copy. Just take these as a reference and reproduce them by your own :).