diff --git a/locales/cs.json b/locales/cs.json index b2af580c4..07675bff1 100644 --- a/locales/cs.json +++ b/locales/cs.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transakce", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Celkové poplatky", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash transakce", - "views.Transaction.note": "Poznámka k transakci", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash bloku", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Výška bloku", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Počet potvrzení", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Je možné vyzkoušet další cesty, ale časový limit pro platbu byl překročen.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Nebyla nalezena žádná cesta", "error.failureReasonError": "Vyskytla se neopravitelná chyba", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Nesprávné údaje o platbě (neznámý hash, neplatná částka nebo neplatná konečná cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Nedostatečný místní zůstatek", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "V současné době nejsou otevřeny žádné objednávky. Chcete-li odeslat platbu do ZEUS, označte objednávku jako „Jiný typ platby“ s poznámkou, která obsahuje „Zeus“, „BTC“ nebo „Bitcoin“.", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Momentálně nejsou otevřené žádné objednávky", diff --git a/locales/de.json b/locales/de.json index 673358e6b..dd5a7bb6b 100644 --- a/locales/de.json +++ b/locales/de.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transaktion", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Gebühren insgesamt", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Transaktions-Hash", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaktions-Notiz", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Block-Hash", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Blockhöhe", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Anzahl der Bestätigungen", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Es gibt weitere Routen, die ausprobiert werden könnten, jedoch wurde das Zeitlimit für die Zahlung überschritten.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Keine Route gefunden", "error.failureReasonError": "Ein unerwarteter Fehler ist aufgetreten", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Zahlungsdetails inkorrekt (unbekannter Hash, ungültiger Betrag oder final cltv delta ungültig)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Lokales Guthaben unzureichend", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Im Moment sind keine Bestellungen offen. Um an ZEUS zu senden, die Bestellung als \"Andere Zahlungsart\" markieren mit einem Hinweis, der \"Zeus\", \"BTC\" oder \"Bitcoin\" enthält.", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Aktuell keine offenen Bestellungen", diff --git a/locales/el.json b/locales/el.json index 368ed68dc..5919467ea 100644 --- a/locales/el.json +++ b/locales/el.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Συναλλαγή", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Συνολικά τέλη", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash συναλλαγής", - "views.Transaction.note": "Σημείωση συναλλαγής", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Κατακερματισμός Block", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Block Height", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Αριθμός επιβεβαιώσεων", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Υπάρχουν κι άλλες διαδρομές για να δοκιμάσετε, αλλά το χρονικό όριο πληρωμής έχει ξεπεραστεί.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Δεν βρέθηκε διαδρομή", "error.failureReasonError": "Παρουσιάστηκε ένα μη ανακτήσιμο σφάλμα", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Λανθασμένα στοιχεία πληρωμής (άγνωστος κατακερματισμός, άκυρο ποσό ή άκυρη τελική διαφορά cltv)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Μη επαρκές τοπικό υπόλοιπο", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Δεν υπάρχουν ανοιχτές παραγγελίες αυτή τη στιγμή. Για να στείλετε στο ZEUS, σημειώστε την παραγγελία ως 'Άλλος τύπος πληρωμής' με μια σημείωση που περιλαμβάνει 'Zeus', 'BTC' ή 'Bitcoin'.", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Δεν υπάρχουν ανοιχτές παραγγελίες αυτή τη στιγμή", diff --git a/locales/en.json b/locales/en.json index 2aaf531ff..2561ce3ce 100644 --- a/locales/en.json +++ b/locales/en.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transaction", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Total Fees", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Transaction Hash", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Block Hash", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Block Height", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Number of Confirmations", diff --git a/locales/es.json b/locales/es.json index b474a1998..e09e88982 100644 --- a/locales/es.json +++ b/locales/es.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transacción", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Comisiones Totales", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash de Transacción", - "views.Transaction.note": "Nota de transacción", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash de Bloque", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Altura de Bloque", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Número de Confirmaciones", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Hay más rutas para probar, pero se superó el tiempo de espera de pago.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No se encontró ruta", "error.failureReasonError": "Se ha producido un error no recuperable", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Detalles de pago incorrectos (hash desconocido, amt inválido o final no válido de delta CLTV)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Balance local insuficiente", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No hay pedidos abiertos en este momento. Para enviar a Zeus, marque el pedido como 'otro tipo de pago' con una nota que incluye 'Zeus', 'BTC' o 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No hay pedidos abiertos en este momento.", diff --git a/locales/fa.json b/locales/fa.json index f24c5c690..43d1ff7bd 100644 --- a/locales/fa.json +++ b/locales/fa.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "تراکنش", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "کارمزد کل", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "هش تراکنش", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "هش بلوک", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "ارتفاع بلوک", "views.Transaction.numConf": "تعداد تائیدیه‌ها", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "مسیرهای بیشتری برای امتحان کردن هست، ولی زمان پرداخت منقضی شده است.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "مسیری یافت نشد", "error.failureReasonError": "خطایی بی بازگشت رخ داده است", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "جزییات پرداخت صحیح نیست (هش ناشناخته، مبلغ نامعتبر یا داده های نهایی cltv نامعتبر)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "مانده حساب محلی ناکافی", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "اکنون هیچ سفارش بازی نیست. برای فرستادن به زئوس، سفارش را به عنوان «گونه‌های دیگر پرداخت» همراه یادداشتی که دربرگیرنده‌ی 'Zeus', 'BTC', یا 'Bitcoin' باشد علامت‌گذاری کنید.", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/fi.json b/locales/fi.json index d2d1908b9..2d0198ed9 100644 --- a/locales/fi.json +++ b/locales/fi.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Siirtotapahtuma", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Siirtomaksut yhteensä", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Siirtotapahtuman tiiviste", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Lohkon tiiviste", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Lohkon järjestysnumero", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Vahvistusten määrä", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Reittejä on enemmän kokeiltavana, mutta maksun aikaraja ylittyi.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Reittejä ei löytynyt", "error.failureReasonError": "Ei palautettavissa oleva virhe on tapahtunut", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Maksutiedot virheelliset (tuntematon tiivistearvo, virheellinen summa tai virheellinen final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Riittämätön paikallinen saldo", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Tällä hetkellä ei ole avoimia tilauksia. Jos haluat lähettää ZEUSiin, merkitse tilaus 'Muu maksutyyppi' merkinnällä 'Zeus', 'BTC' tai 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Avoimia tilauksia ei ole tällä hetkellä", diff --git a/locales/fr.json b/locales/fr.json index 87d276846..87a8a8d68 100644 --- a/locales/fr.json +++ b/locales/fr.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transaction", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Frais totaux", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hachage de transaction", - "views.Transaction.note": "Note de transaction", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash de Block ", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Hauteur de bloc", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Nombre de confirmations", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Il y a plus d'itinéraires à essayer, mais le délai d'expiration du paiement a été dépassé.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Aucune route trouvée", "error.failureReasonError": "Une erreur non récupérable s'est produite", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Détails de paiement incorrects (hachage inconnu, AMT non valide ou delta de CLTV final non valide)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Solde local insuffisant", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Aucune commande ouverte pour le moment. Pour envoyer à Zeus, marquez la commande comme «autre type de paiement» avec une note qui comprend «Zeus», «BTC» ou «Bitcoin»", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Aucune commande ouverte pour le moment", diff --git a/locales/he.json b/locales/he.json index ec847a0c9..caa8cab7b 100644 --- a/locales/he.json +++ b/locales/he.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "פעולה", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "סך עמלות", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "גיבוב פעולה", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "גיבוב בלוק", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "גובה בלוק", "views.Transaction.numConf": "מספר אישורים", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "ישנם נתיבים נוספים לנסות, אבל פסק-זמן התשלום חרג.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "לא נמצא נתיב", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "יתרה מקומית בלתי מספיקה", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "אין אף עיסקה פתוחה כרגע. בכדי לשלוח ל ZEUS, סמן את סוג העסקה ’Other Payment Type’ עם הערה שכוללת את המילים ‘BTC’, ‘Zeus’ או ‘Bitcoin’", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/hr.json b/locales/hr.json index 23c63c4ad..65185af94 100644 --- a/locales/hr.json +++ b/locales/hr.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transakcija", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Ukupne naknade", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash transakcije", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash bloka", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Visina bloka", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Broj potvrda", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Trenutno nema narudžbi. Da biste poslali Zeusu, označite narudžbu kao \"drugu vrstu plaćanja\" s napomenom koja uključuje \"Zeus\", \"BTC\" ili \"Bitcoin\"", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/hu.json b/locales/hu.json index 5cafa2e4f..1dc2aefa6 100644 --- a/locales/hu.json +++ b/locales/hu.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Tranzakciók", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Összdíj", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Tranzakciós Hash", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Blokk Hash", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Blokk Magasság", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Megerősítések száma", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No orders open at the moment. To send to ZEUS, mark order as 'Other Payment Type' with a note that includes 'Zeus', 'BTC', or 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/it.json b/locales/it.json index 542aaefb3..5aecf6bea 100644 --- a/locales/it.json +++ b/locales/it.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transazione", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Commissioni totali", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash di transazione", - "views.Transaction.note": "Nota sulla transazione", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash Blocco", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Altezza Blocco", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Numero di conferme", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Ci sono più percorsi da provare, ma il timeout di pagamento è stato superato.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Nessun percorso trovato", "error.failureReasonError": "Si è verificato un errore non recuperabile", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Dettagli di pagamento errato (hash sconosciuto, AMT non valido o Delta CLTV finale non valido)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Equilibrio locale insufficiente", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Nessun ordine aperto al momento. Per inviare a Zeus, contrassegnare l'ordine come \"altro tipo di pagamento\" con una nota che include \"Zeus\", \"BTC\" o \"Bitcoin\"", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Nessun ordine aperto al momento", diff --git a/locales/ja.json b/locales/ja.json index 728e65c70..44aeaba99 100644 --- a/locales/ja.json +++ b/locales/ja.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "トランザクション", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "合計手数料", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "トランザクションハッシュ", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "ブロックハッシュ", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "ブロック高さ", "views.Transaction.numConf": "承認数", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No orders open at the moment. To send to ZEUS, mark order as 'Other Payment Type' with a note that includes 'Zeus', 'BTC', or 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/ko.json b/locales/ko.json index 4afad5886..58430d2c1 100644 --- a/locales/ko.json +++ b/locales/ko.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "트랜잭션", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "총 수수료", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "트랜잭션 해시", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "블록 해시", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "블록 높이", "views.Transaction.numConf": "블록 승인 횟수", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "시도해 볼 다른 결제 경로들이 존재하지만, 결제 시간이 초과되었습니다.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "결제 경로를 찾을 수 없음.", "error.failureReasonError": "복구가 불가능한 오류가 발생하였습니다.", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "잘못된 결제 상세 내역 (hash 모름, 유효하지 않은 금액 혹은 final cltv delta 값)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "송금 잔액 부족", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "현재 진행 중인 주문이 없습니다. Zeus로 송금하려면 주문을 '기타 결제 유형'으로 표시하고 'Zeus', 'BTC' 또는 '비트코인'이 포함된 메모를 남기세요.", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "현재 진행 중인 주문이 없습니다.", diff --git a/locales/nb.json b/locales/nb.json index b0556c617..e7bf2112a 100644 --- a/locales/nb.json +++ b/locales/nb.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transaksjon", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Totale avgifter", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Transaksjons-hash", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Blokk-hash", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Blokkhøyde", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Antall bekreftelser", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No orders open at the moment. To send to ZEUS, mark order as 'Other Payment Type' with a note that includes 'Zeus', 'BTC', or 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/nl.json b/locales/nl.json index a1b78dd95..51d3afcbd 100644 --- a/locales/nl.json +++ b/locales/nl.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transactie", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Totaal aan fees", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Transactie Hash", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Blok Hash", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Blok Hoogte", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Aantal Bevestigingen", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No orders open at the moment. To send to ZEUS, mark order as 'Other Payment Type' with a note that includes 'Zeus', 'BTC', or 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/pl.json b/locales/pl.json index da008640f..ca14f87c9 100644 --- a/locales/pl.json +++ b/locales/pl.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transakcja", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Opłaty całkowite", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash transakcji", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash bloku", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Numer bloku", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Ilość potwierdzeń", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "W tej chwili nie ma otwartych zamówień. Aby wysłać środki do ZEUSa, oznacz zamówienie jako 'Inny Typ Płatności' z notatką, która zawiera 'Zeus', 'BTC' lub 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Nie ma w tej chwili zleceń", diff --git a/locales/pt_BR.json b/locales/pt_BR.json index 651a49d86..528911e6b 100644 --- a/locales/pt_BR.json +++ b/locales/pt_BR.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transação", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Total de Taxas", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash da Transação", - "views.Transaction.note": "Nota de transação", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash do Bloco", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Altura do Bloco", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Número de Confirmações", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Há mais rotas para tentar, mas o tempo limite do pagamento foi excedido.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Nenhuma rota encontrada", "error.failureReasonError": "Um erro não recuperável ocorreu", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Detalhes do pagamento incorretos (hash desconhecido, AMT inválido ou delta final de CLTV inválido)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Saldo local insuficiente", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Nenhum pedido aberto no momento. Para enviar para ZEUS, marque o pedido como 'Outro tipo de pagamento' com uma nota que inclua 'Zeus', 'BTC' ou 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Nenhum pedido aberto no momento", diff --git a/locales/ro.json b/locales/ro.json index 43b759c7c..2d8b81f95 100644 --- a/locales/ro.json +++ b/locales/ro.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Tranzacție", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Total Comisioane", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash Tranzacției", - "views.Transaction.note": "Nota de tranzacție", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash bloc", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Înălțime bloc", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Număr Confirmări", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Există mai multe rute de încercat, dar a fost depășit timpul de plată.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Nu este găsit nici o rută", "error.failureReasonError": "A apărut o eroare nerecuperabiă", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Detalii de plată incorecte (hash necunoscut, AMT invalid sau Delta CLTV finală invalid)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Soldul local insuficient", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Nu sunt plăți deschise acum. Pentru a trimite către Zeus, marcați plata ca \"Alt tip de plată\" cu o notă care include 'Zeus', 'BTC' sau 'Bitcoin'.", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Nu există comenzi deschise momentan", diff --git a/locales/ru.json b/locales/ru.json index c593cfbef..5da094feb 100644 --- a/locales/ru.json +++ b/locales/ru.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Транзакция", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Всего Комиссий", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Хэш Транзакции", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Хэш блока", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Высота блока", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Количество Подтверждений", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Можно попробовать другие маршруты, но при попытке построения маршрута был достигнут таймаут.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Маршрут не найден", "error.failureReasonError": "Возникла невосстанавливаемая ошибка", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Неправильные реквизиты оплаты (неизвестный хэш, недопустимая сумма или окончательная CLTV дельта)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Недостаточный локальный баланс", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "На данный момент нет открытых заказов. Чтобы отправить на ZEUS, отметьте заказ как 'Другой тип оплаты' с пометкой включающей 'Zeus', 'BTC', или 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/sk.json b/locales/sk.json index c8deb46cc..512dddf14 100644 --- a/locales/sk.json +++ b/locales/sk.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transakcia", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Celkové poplatky", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash transakcie", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash bloku", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Výška bloku", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Počet potvrdení ", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No orders open at the moment. To send to ZEUS, mark order as 'Other Payment Type' with a note that includes 'Zeus', 'BTC', or 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/sl.json b/locales/sl.json index 7413d9793..cf8170d21 100644 --- a/locales/sl.json +++ b/locales/sl.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transakcija", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Skupno omrežnin", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Zgoščena vrednost transakcije", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Zgoščena vrednost bloka", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Višina bloka", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Število potrditev", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No orders open at the moment. To send to ZEUS, mark order as 'Other Payment Type' with a note that includes 'Zeus', 'BTC', or 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/sv.json b/locales/sv.json index 5cc3f8da5..bd5041989 100644 --- a/locales/sv.json +++ b/locales/sv.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Transaktion", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Avgifter totalt", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Transaktionshash", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Blockhash", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Blockhöjd", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Antal bekräftelser", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Det finns fler vägar att prova, men betalningstidsgränsen har överskridits.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Ingen väg hittades", "error.failureReasonError": "Ett icke-återställbart fel har uppstått", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Betalningsuppgifter är felaktiga (okänd hash, ogiltig amt eller ogiltig final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Otillräcklig lokal balans", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Inga ordrar öppna för tillfället. För att skicka till ZEUS, markera ordern som \"Annan betalningstyp\" med en anteckning som inkluderar \"Zeus\", \"BTC\" eller \"Bitcoin\"", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Inga ordrar öppna för tillfället", diff --git a/locales/sw.json b/locales/sw.json index 2e8287f42..1d855c51e 100644 --- a/locales/sw.json +++ b/locales/sw.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Miamala", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Ada Jumla", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Hash ya Miamala", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Hash ya Kizuizi", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Kimo cha Kizuizi", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Idadi ya Uthibitishaji", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "Kuna njia zaidi za kujaribu, lakini muda wa malipo ulizidi.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "Hakuna njia iliyopatikana", "error.failureReasonError": "Hitilafu isiyo na uwezo wa kurekebishwa imejitokeza", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Maelezo ya malipo sio sahihi (hashi isiyojulikana, kiasi batili au delta ya mwisho batili ya cltv)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Salio la ndani halitoshi", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Hakuna maagizo yanayofunguliwa kwa sasa. Ili kutuma kwa ZEUS, tia alama kwenye agizo kama 'Aina Nyingine ya Malipo' na maelezo yanayojumuisha 'Zeus', 'BTC', au 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/th.json b/locales/th.json index b12d93f6f..d7168cd1c 100644 --- a/locales/th.json +++ b/locales/th.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "ธุรกรรม", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "ค่าธรรมเนียมโดยรวม", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "แฮชของธุรกรรม", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "แฮชของบล็อก", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "บล็อกที่", "views.Transaction.numConf": "จำนวนการยืนยัน", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "มี route อื่น ๆ ที่ยังไม่ได้ลอง แต่ว่าเวลาหมดก่อน", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "ไม่พบ route วงเครือข่าย", "error.failureReasonError": "มีปัญหาที่ยังแก้ไม่ได้เกิดขึ้น", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "ข้อมูลธุรกรรมไม่ถูกต้อง (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "จำนวนเงินภายในมีไม่เพียงพอ", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "ไม่มีการเปิดคำสั่ง ณ ขณะนี้. เพื่อส่งเงินมายัง ZEUS สร้างคำสั่ง 'Other Payment Type' และเพิ่มโน๊ตว่า 'Zeus', 'BTC', หรือ 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/tr.json b/locales/tr.json index 2f5d34da5..dae3e3b78 100644 --- a/locales/tr.json +++ b/locales/tr.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "İşlem", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Toplam ücret", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "İşlem hashi", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Blok hashi", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Block Yüksekliği", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Onay sayısı", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "Şu anda açık sipariş yok. ZEUS'a göndermek için, 'Zeus', 'BTC' veya 'Bitcoin' yazısını içeren bir notla 'Diğer Ödeme Türü' olarak işaretleyin", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/uk.json b/locales/uk.json index 01980e26e..4943ec35c 100644 --- a/locales/uk.json +++ b/locales/uk.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Транзакція", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Всього комісій", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Хеш транзакції", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Хеш блоку", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Висота блоку", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Кількість підтверджень", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No orders open at the moment. To send to ZEUS, mark order as 'Other Payment Type' with a note that includes 'Zeus', 'BTC', or 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment", diff --git a/locales/vi.json b/locales/vi.json index 3ecb89a45..2530c3c5a 100644 --- a/locales/vi.json +++ b/locales/vi.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "Giao dịch", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "Tổng Phí", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "Mã băm Giao dịch", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "Mã băm Khối", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "Chiều cao Khối", "views.Transaction.numConf": "Số lượng Xác nhận", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "Đã xảy ra một lỗi không thể phục hồi", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Số dư tại chỗ không đủ", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No orders open at the moment. To send to ZEUS, mark order as 'Other Payment Type' with a note that includes 'Zeus', 'BTC', or 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "Hiện tại không có đơn hàng đang mở", diff --git a/locales/zh_CN.json b/locales/zh_CN.json index 207463b6c..058baf266 100644 --- a/locales/zh_CN.json +++ b/locales/zh_CN.json @@ -957,7 +957,6 @@ "views.Transaction.title": "交易", "views.Transaction.totalFees": "总费用", "views.Transaction.transactionHash": "交易哈希", - "views.Transaction.note": "Transaction Note", "views.Transaction.blockHash": "区块哈希", "views.Transaction.blockHeight": "区块高度", "views.Transaction.numConf": "确认数", @@ -1092,7 +1091,8 @@ "error.failureReasonTimeout": "There are more routes to try, but the payment timeout was exceeded.", "error.failureReasonNoRoute": "No route found", "error.failureReasonError": "A non-recoverable error has occured", - "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment details incorrect (unknown hash, invalid amt or invalid final cltv delta)", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetails": "Payment failed: Payment details incorrect (unknown payment hash, invalid amount or invalid final CLTV delta).", + "error.failureReasonIncorrectPaymentDetailsKeysend": "The receiving node might not accept keysend payments.", "error.failureReasonInsufficientBalance": "Insufficient local balance", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrders": "No orders open at the moment. To send to ZEUS, mark order as 'Other Payment Type' with a note that includes 'Zeus', 'BTC', or 'Bitcoin'", "pos.views.Wallet.PosPane.noOrdersStandalone": "No orders open at the moment",