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Michael S edited this page Sep 29, 2016 · 3 revisions

Zombie Spawn Creator

The Zombie Spawn tool is one of the most essential tools available in nZombies 3. Any map without one will not play and cause the system to fire "[nZ] Cannot ready you up because no zombie/player spawns have been set!". The Zombie Spawnpoints created by this tool mark the positions normal zombies will spawn when playing the config. The tool does not require Advanced Mode and does not have any extra options when Advanced Mode is enabled. Zombie Spawns created with the tool are only visible in Creative Mode.

The tool's interface

The tool's interface.

Interface and Options

The Zombie Spawn Creator tool has 2 options. It gets no extra options from Advanced Mode.

  • Enable Flag?

When enabled, the spawnpoint will only spawn zombies when doors linked with the same flag as set in option 2 has been opened. When disabled, the spawnpoint will always spawn zombies if players are close enough. It is required for the second option to have any effect.

  • Flag

When set, the spawnpoint will not spawn any zombies until doors with the same flag has been opened. It is very essential for configs to do this, as this is what prevents zombies from spawning in rooms that have not yet been opened. This is the link you use to link it with doors. It will not be set if Enable Flag? has not been set.

Tool and Controls

  • Left Click: Create a Zombie Spawnpoint with the settings set in the interface.
  • Right Click: Remove the Zombie Spawnpoint you're looking at.
  • Reload: Update the settings on the Zombie Spawnpoint you're looking at to what you set in the interface.


The Zombie Spawnpoint entity

The Zombie Spawnpoint entity as seen in Creative Mode.

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