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Traps, Buttons and Logic Gates

Michael S edited this page Sep 13, 2017 · 6 revisions

This article is about buttons and traps. How they interact with each other and how to configure them.

Activatable Base

The Activatable base class is the interface subclassed by buttons and traps. An Activatable is an entity that can be used by the player (preesiing E on it) and will be activated if the player has enough points and electricity is on (optional).

You can edit activatable entities by using the contexttmenu (C-Menu) and rightclicking on the entity->edit properties...


Variable Name Type Description
NZName String The name of the activatable, doesn't have to be unique
ElectricityNeeded Bool Wether electricity is required or not for activation (default: True)
RemoteActivated Bool If set to true this object can only be activated by another object/button and not by using it directly (default: false)
Duration Float How long the object should remain active, if set to a negative number it will remain enabled forever (Default: 60)
[Planned]OneRound Bool If set to true the object will remain active until the current round ends (default:???)
Cooldown Float How long the object should be disabled after deactivation, if set to a negative number it will remain disabled forever (Default: 30)
Cost Int How much points the activation will cost (Default: 0)

Traps (WIP)

Traps are activatables that feature no additional variables. That means they can either be activated by remote (a button) or by using them directly (See RemoteActivated variable for more information)

Example turret

Traps currently available

  • nz_trap_turret

Traps can be scripted like any other SENT, but they must derive from nz_trapbase in order to add activatable functionality. Also be careful when setting NWVars many slots are already used up.


Buttons feature everything explained above. But in additon they can also activate other activatables. This means they can activate other buttons, traps, and doors. You can specify which objects should be activated by the button by using the following variables:

LinkedNZName1, LinkedNZName2, LinkedNZName3

  • Type: String
  • Description: The name(NZName) of the object that should be activated. If multiple objects with the same name exist all of these will be activated. If a door link with that name exist all doors with that link will be opened. A beam to the linkedobject should appear.

You can also customize a button's appearence by choosing a model from the ModelID dropdown.

Example Button

AND-Buttons (AND Gates)

AND-Buttons are buttons that require multiple other buttons(or activatables) to be active at the same time in order to be activated themself.

ActivatorName1, ActivatorName2

  • Type: String
  • Description: The name(NZName) of an object that needs to be activated before the and-button will be activated. If multiple objects with the same name exist all of those will need to be activated.


  • Type: String
  • Description: The name of an object that should be activated once the and-button is activated.

Example AND-Button

Button Usage Examples

Button connected to a trap

Button Example 1

Chaining Buttons

Button Example 2

2 Buttons connected to an AND-Button and a trap

Button Example 3

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