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Zet0rz edited this page May 4, 2016 · 4 revisions

Random Box Spawnpoint

The Random Box (also known as the Mystery Box) is one of the most iconic entities in CoD Zombies. It is a box that gives a random weapon for 950 points. The boxes created by this tool mark where the random box can spawn, as well as where it can move to when a teddy appears. The spawnpoints are not visible during gameplay, and an actual box will only appear at one point at any given time. The tool does not require Advanced Mode and does not have any extra options when Advanced Mode is enabled.

The tool's interface

The tool's interface.

Interface and Options

The Random Box Spawnpoint tool has 1 option. It gets no extra options from Advanced Mode.

  • Possible Spawn?

When enabled, spawnpoints created will be marked as Possible Spawn. When a new game starts, the Random Box can only appear on one of these spawnpoints the first time. Placing only one spawnpoint with this ensures the box always starts there. Setting more lets the box randomly select from one of them. Creating no spawnpoints with this will make it pick a random one out of all of them.

Tool and Controls

  • Left Click: Create a Random Box Spawnpoint with the settings set in the interface.
  • Right Click: Remove the Random Box Spawnpoint you're looking at.

Tips and Tricks

  • The random box will by default pick a random weapon out of all weapons with a valid World Model and that hasn't been blacklisted
  • The list of possible weapons can be modified per-config in the Map Settings tool when Advanced Mode is on


A cluster of Random Box Spawnpoints.

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