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Zet0rz edited this page May 13, 2016 · 1 revision

Map Settings

The Map Settings tool isn't so much of a tool as it is an interface that allows you to set various settings for your config. The settings cover a variety of options that are saved on a per-config basis, meaning it is tied to the config, not the map. The tool does not require Advanced Mode, but gains a long list of more options when enabled.

The tool's interface

The tool's interface when viewed with Advanced Mode.

Map Properties

  • Starting Weapon

Allows you to set which weapon players spawn with. If none are set, players will always spawn with whatever is defined in the config/sh_constructor.lua file (Default: fas2_glock20).

  • Starting Points

Allows you to set how many points players spawn with. By default this is 500 and ideally that should not be changed.

  • Price

The cost of opening the door. Players will need to pay this amount of points to be able to open the door. Setting this to 0 will make the door open on game start.

  • Easter Egg Song URL

The URL to the song played when all Easter Egg Dolls placed by the Easter Egg Placer has been found and used. The URL must be from Soundcloud. Example:

  • Includes Map Script? (Advanced)

When enabled, causes the config to attempt to load a Lua script by the same name as the config. Map Scripts are loaded from lua/nzmapscripts/ and always load the one by the same name as the config. This means a locally saved copy of a Workshop or Official config will still load the same map script, if the name wasn't changed. A prompt appears in the Mismatch System when loading a config with this enabled, so users can easily prevent the script from running. This defaults to off.

  • Script Description (Advanced)

The text that is displayed in the prompt by the Mismatch System when attempting to load the Map Script. This can be used to let players know what the script does. This defaults to "".

  • Gamemode Extensions (Advanced)

When enabled, causes certain entities from other gamemodes to spawn when the map is reloaded. This can be used to make some easter eggs or objectives in maps from gamemodes such as Zombie Survival to work. As of now, these entities cover some of those from Zombie Survival, making many zs_obj_-maps work somewhat. The entities includes World Hints, Win/Lose Entity, Point Checkers, Round Checkers. You need to reload your config/clean up the map for the entities to spawn. This defaults to off.

Random Box Weapons


This tab has a list of all weapons that can be gotten in the Random Box. This allows you to set which weapons players can get after buying the Random Box. Each weapon is displayed in the scroll list, showing their category in the brackets. Pressing the red button will remove a weapon from the list. There is a dropdown allowing you to select a weapon from all the ones installed. Pressing the Add-button will then add that weapon to the list. Pressing the More-button will open a new window with even more options, allowing you to add or remove all weapons by Category or prefix, remove all, add all, or reload from the server.

Pressing the Submit-button uploads the list to the server, along with all other Map Settings set in the other tabs. By default, this list will containt all weapons with a valid world model that has not been blacklisted.

Wunderfizz Perks


This list contains all perks installed on the server. Next to all of them are tickboxes. Enabling these will make the perk available in the Wunderfizz Machine. This allows you to completely remove a perk fully from a config. By default, all perks will be enabled.

Tips and Tricks

  • An empty or not yet saved Random Box list will assume default behaviour, and allow all weapons with valid world models that are not blacklisted
  • An empty Wunderfizz List will enable all perks
  • When enabling Gamemode Extensions, the individual entities can be removed with the Prop Remover Tool's Reload function


A default Random Box list.

The Wunderfizz Perks list with all base perks enabled.

The More Weapons Options from the Random Box List, showing the dropdown of Prefixes.

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