This software is primarily for testing the idle stability of CPUs, but also provides a range of options for more traditional stress testing. Run the executable without parameters to display instructions.
B : Run the benchmark. Options after 'B' override defaults; eg. pitc.exe B Iaf mt1024 !!! Cache use not yet implemented !!!
Utilises the ALU and largest vector unit of all (virtual) cores in the system, level 3 cache, and 8MB memory per thread for 60 seconds.
Ix : Set intruction usage options. Specifies which units to utilise. Options can be stacked; eg. I2av !!! Cache use not yet implemented !!!
Caches: 1==Level 1, 2==Level 2, 3==Level 3 | Processing: A==ALU, F==FPU, S==SSE4.1, V==AVX2, X==AVX512
Lx : Set interface language.
Recognises ISO 639-1 language codes; eg. Len-GB
Mx : Set amount of memory to utilise during test. Values are in MebiBytes; eg. Mt128
C==Per virtual core, N==Per non-SMT core, S==Per SMT virtual core, T=Total split amongst all virtual cores
Ox : Results file output options. A filename can be stacked with any of the remaining options; eg. O[results.txt]16
[]=Filename, A=Non-UTF ASCII, 8=UTF-8, 16=UTF-16
Sx : Set core synchronisation options. The first three options (P,R,S) can be stacked with the last (T); eg. Spt
P==Parallel, R==Round-robin, S==Staggered, T==Time synchronised
Tx : Set timing options. One of the first three options (C,F,T) can be stacked with any of the remaining (D,T,[,]); eg. Tfd1.0t12.5[100]2400
C==Constant, F==Fixed-length pulses, S==Sweeping-length pulses
Global options: Dx==Set start-up delay, Tx==Set test duration | Replace 'x' with a decimal value; eg. d10.0
Fixed-length pulse options (in milliseconds): [x==Active duration, ]x==Inactive duration | Replace 'x' with a whole number; eg. [250
Sweeping-length pulse option (in milliseconds): [x==Cycle duration
Ux : Set core usage options. One of the first two options (C,T) can be stacked with the one of the remaining (S, O); eg. Uc!.!!...!s
C==Binary sequence map of physical cores to utilise, T==Binary sequence map of virtual cores to utilise
Format for core utilisation map is: ','/'.'/'_'==Core disabled, Any other character==Core enabled
A==Symmetric Multi-Threading; forces utilisation of every virtual core of each active physical core
E==Only utilise the first virtual core of each active physical core, O==Only utilise the last virtual core of each active physical core
W : Write new "cpu.values" file.
File will only be created if the integrity of the results pass 65,536 iterations.
-x : Configuration presets.
1==Constant stress; one thread per physical core. 10 minute duration
2==Constant stress on all virtual cores. 30 minute duration
3==Fixed-width round-robin pulsed stress; one thread per physical core. 10 minute duration
4==Synchronised fixed-width pulsed stress; one thread per physical core. 10 minute duration
5==Synchronised fixed-width pulsed stress on all virtual cores. 30 minute duration
6==Synchronised sweeping-width pulsed stress; one thread per physical core. 30 minute duration
7==Synchronised sweeping-width pulsed stresson all virtual cores; 30 minute duration. 30 minute duration
8==Synchronised staggered fixed-width pulsed stress; one thread per physical core. 1 hour duration
9==Synchronised staggered fixed-width pulsed stress on all virtual cores. 4 hour duration
Example: "pitc.exe I3x Mc8 Spt Tcd8.0t3600 Ua"