The main script is
Usage: python3.6 -h
Before running the code you must ensure having the following files:
Results Files
- ~/QppUqvProj/Results/{corpus}/test/{basic/raw/fused}/QL.res
- ~/QppUqvProj/Results/{corpus}/test/{basic/raw/fused}/logqlc.res
Parameters Files
- ~/QppUqvProj/Results/{corpus}/test/indriRunQF.xml
- ~/QppUqvProj/Results/{corpus}/test/indriRunQL.xml
- ~/QppUqvProj/Results/{corpus}/test/clarityParam.xml
AP Results Files
- ~/QppUqvProj/Results/{corpus}/test/aggregated/map1000-{agg function}
- ~/QppUqvProj/Results/{corpus}/test/single/map1000-{single selection function}
Cross Validation files
- ~/QppUqvProj/Results/{corpus}/test/2_folds_30_repetitions.json
LogQLC stands for log QL of the query with the entire corpus
In general the code assumes the directories structure is as seen in the file
To create the files using indri:
Create QL.res example for ROBUST UQV will create QL scores retrieved results list:
indri-5.6/runqueryql/IndriRunQueryQL QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/indriRunQL.xml -threads=8 QppUqvProj/data/ROBUST/fullqueriesUQV.xml > QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/raw/QL.res
Create logqlc.res example:
indri-5.6/logqlc/LogQlC QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/indriRunQL.xml QppUqvProj/data/ROBUST/fullqueriesUQV.xml > QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/raw/logqlc.res
Create QLmap1000 (raw ap scores) example:
trec_eval -qn -m map QppUqvProj/data/ROBUST/qrelsUQV QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/raw/QL.res | awk '{print $2, $3}' > QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/raw/QLmap1000
Create map1000-max file example (for single pick):
python3.6 repos/IRQPP/ QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/raw/QLmap1000 QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/raw/QLmap1000 -f max > QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/single/map1000-max
Create fused (CombSum) results file:
python3.7 repos/IRQPP/ QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/raw/QL.res QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/raw/logqlc.res > QppUqvProj/Results/ROBUST/test/fusion/QL.res
Help Files
Some of the help instructions still need to be updated.
usage: python3.6 --predictor PREDICTOR -c CORPUS -q QUERIES
Full Results Pipeline Automation Generator
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--predictor predictor_name
predictor to run
-q queries.xml, --queries queries.xml
path to queries xml res
-c {ROBUST,ClueWeb12B}, --corpus {ROBUST,ClueWeb12B}
corpus (index) to work with
--qtype {basic,single,aggregated,fusion}
The type of queries to run
-m {pearson,spearman,kendall}, --measure {pearson,spearman,kendall}
default correlation measure type is pearson
-t {basic,single,aggregated,fusion,all}, --table {basic,single,aggregated,fusion,all}
the LaTeX table to be printed
--generate generate new predictions
--lists generate new lists
--calc calc new UQV predictions
Currently Beta Version