App Link:
Zen Acar, Gina Cameras, Harini Rao, Carlos Santillan
- Created a web-based app that delivers news by sentiment and category where sentiment is informed by a sentiment detection ML model.
- The idea behind a sentiment-driven news app is to allow the user to explore the news in their way, having full control of whether they see positive or negative news.
Training dataset:
- Sentiment derived from Vader Sentiment(
- 200,000 articles from Huffington post
- Years: 2012 to 2018
- Contains over 40 categories → Selected a few to match the categories present in the NewsAPI train dataset
- Data format: JSON
Testing dataset:
- All available categories: business, entertainment , general, health, science, sports, technology
- US region only in English
- Pulled daily to create dataset
- Data format: JSON