This project provides a basic structure for a Discord bot build with Discord.js
- Command Handling : Load and handle commands dynamically.
- Database Integration : Connect a database with reconnection logic.
- Slash Commands : Register and handle custom slash commands.
- Interaction Handlers : Handle interactions like buttons, select menus, and modals.
- Error Handling : Built in error handler.
├── /commands # Put your commands in this folder
│ ├── ping.js
├── /events # Add other events like "guildMemberAdd" or "messageCreate"
│ ├── ready.js
│ ├── interactionCreate.js
├── /loader
│ ├── loadCommands.js
│ ├── loadDataBase.js
│ ├── loadEvents.js
│ ├── loadSlashCommand.js
├── config.json # Edit the config file as you wish
├── main.js
├── package.json # Dependencies are here
You can start by cloning the repository to your local machine :
git clone
Navigate to the project folder and install the required dependencies :
cd Discord-Bot-Handler
npm install
Edit the config.json
file with your bot's information, including :
- token : Your Discord bot token (Here)
- colors : Customize the color scheme for your bot
- Channels : Define channel IDs for logs and error logs.
- Optionnal :
- db : Configure your database connection settings (host, user, password, database name).
Example config.json
"token": "YOUR_BOT_TOKEN",
"colors": {
"mainServerColor": "#FF5733",
"default": "#1e2124",
"error": "#ff0000",
"success": "#1fff00",
"warning": "#fff300"
"emotes": {
"error": "❌",
"success": "✅",
"warning": ":warning:"
"channels": {
"logs": "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID",
"errorLogs": "YOUR_CHANNEL_ID"
"db": {
"dataBaseHost": "localhost",
"dataBaseUser": "root",
"dataBasePassword": "YOUR_PASSWORD",
"dataBaseName": "YOUR_DATABASE_NAME"
Start the bot by running :
npm start
the bot will log in and be ready to accept commands.
Feel free to fork this repository, create an issue, or submit a pull request if you find any bugs or want to add new features.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.