A simple, work in progress startpage with an experimental search that can perform a variety of things.
Find info on wikipedia about something.
Web search, default search engine is ecosia but it can be changed by typing a keyword in front of the query ("g " for google and "yt " for youtube). By typing gif at the end cool GIFs will be shown.
weather( [city]) = show weather in any city/village that is included in openweathermap, if a city isn't typed weather in your city (which can be provided in js/weather.js or as url parameter ?city=) will be shown
[bookmark text], then enter = redirect to bookmark (bookmarks are in js/search.js and there is currently youtube, reddit and github)
time( [timezone]) = show the time, there is another clock at the bottom but this also works for other timezones, by typing the timezone as [continent place], for example "america new york"
Clock is a modified version of https://codepen.io/eehayman/pen/jVPKpN
Found in https://animate.style/