Know real time prices to maximize trading profits. SuperWallet is a Chrome extension that updates your BitClout wallet and not only this.
While BitClout now have a delay in update of creator coin prices on your wallet page this extension can help. Use it on your wallet page to update the page data.
- updates creator coin price on the wallet page
- updates your share of the creator coins
- updates your cash-out price
- adds a link to creator's analytics page on the BitCloutPulse
- adds the creator's founder reward percentage
- adds a button to force update wallet data
- adds a list of creators you want to watch for to the sidebar with their coin price and founder reward percentage
- updates the total in USD (after all updates)
- adds a total in $BitClout
- adds a link to creator's analytics page on the BitCloutPulse
- adds a creator's founder reward percentage
- adds small footer to activate notifications autoload
The extension doesn't collect any of your information. Extension just takes the information from your wallet page, sends a request to BitClout API and updates your wallet creator coins column.
The extension v0.2.0 has been published and could be installed
Current version is 0.7.1. You could read on how to add this unpacked extension to Google Chrome here
If you want to say hi to the developer, text (@zakharday). My public key is BC1YLgeXsafJ8vYcXurRMLy5UcYGbLtjnoXZZWZLuXJqbDVQqXAE6mf
Follow our official SuperWallet account. Our public key is BC1YLgTwjbHjy8rLPWZHX53JMmreo5u3sxX5BvdASugUyUaMZdo51oh